Should your humble correspondent, who is still not sure what an Anthropologist is but is increasingly certain he does not intend to be one, (1) throw in the colors, (2) strike his uncle, or (3) cry, "Towel!"?
That thought has actually crossed my mind, along with various others... But if I do quit, it will be to Live The Dream, complete my embryonic novel, and get it published. The chief question being what I am to eat in the meantime.
(Welcome to my LJ, by the way! I've been enjoying your posts for a while now, as they make me nostalgic for both Australia, where I've traveled for a bit, and for twelfth-century France, which I've never visited.)
The historian-thing gives me the teaching which (mostly) keeps me fed so I can write my dream. Writers use me for worldbuilding (why I am going to Conjure, in fact - to do a workshop on using the Middle Ages for fantasy writing
( ... )
Thanks for the offer, but I'm quite incapable of writing in Hebrew. If I try it comes out sounding like translated English - which is probably what it is.
Comments 14
(Welcome to my LJ, by the way! I've been enjoying your posts for a while now, as they make me nostalgic for both Australia, where I've traveled for a bit, and for twelfth-century France, which I've never visited.)
And as for food - you've roughed it before! Live off the land or something.
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