Life is teh suck in Vanadiel recently!
My connex keeps dying and I get all kinds of crazy disconnects. I know for sure the problem is not on my end and of course the ISP is telling me nothing is wrong.
So me and Celest go duo Promy Vahzl enm. We get there fine, I wait a minute to see if connection is ok everything seems fine.
Enter, buff up, attack ... and ... as soon as I land the first punch bam dc. So we wipe.
Next we go do Uninvited Guests and fight one Mammet. I'm on ninja and Celest is on rdm. We fight Mammet down to 1% life and we are laughing cos its so easy. Then I had a great idea, I disengage and tell Celest to give the Mammet the killing blow. She runs over and starts attacking and we are both laughing. Then everything starts to go very wrong, somehow i couldn't get shadows up and it kills me, then it turns around and kills her. Wipe. T.T
Next Alldira, Usa, Celest and me decide to do Attowa enm. We get there wait for Usa to get item and my connex seems fine. Enter buff up ...
Nuke ... dc ... wipe.
I feel bad for making Celest go through all this it's driving me crazy I want to chew the carpet.
I cants takes this pain anymore. Feel like wearing a mouse costume and go ring kami's doorbell and maybe she'll end my miserable life for me.