#10 [Voice]

Sep 03, 2009 09:05

[Her voice sounds calm with a slight relieved undertone when she prays]

I am not afraid.
Because my future is certain.
My fate is sealed.
There is no turning back.
But I have no fear.
My thoughts are not overshadowed by doubt.
I look forward to the coming events.
I await the moment.
I have nothing to fear.
Boron is with me.
 [deep silence for a moment]

Somehow I've felt the end of this world is near, but everything is better than be left in the dark, isn't it? Our captors said we should bid farewell, but they forget that we'll see us again someday no matter what will happen. For now let's stand together and fight against them. Don't loose your hope.

[A pause; her voice now quiet and surprisingly full of emotion]

I love you, Hotsuma.

the end, acknowledgment of feelings, hope, no fear

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