May 14, 2011 12:03
Happy Saturday all!
Today we went on our first family outing since moving to OK. We went on walks around the neighborhood back when we were in temporary housing, but never did anything big (aka requiring all three of us to get in the car). This morning we all woke up, had breakfast, and headed over to post to walk around the jogging track.
Back when I took my Russian culture class at college we were told that Russians base their perception of the weather on whether or not the sun is shining. If the sun is shining, it is warm outside. If there is no sun, it's cold outside. So if the sun is shining but there is a wind chill making it 37 degrees they dress for "warm" weather.
This is the same philosophy SB and I used when picking out what to wear today. We looked out the window and saw it was sunny with a "slight" breeze. So we put on some jeans, t-shirts, and walking shoes and headed out the door with Pound Puppy. Once we got to the track we realized that the slight breeze in our neighborhood was only slight because all the houses were blocking the majority of it. Out in the open area that the track surrounds there was nothing to block the huge gusts of wind Oklahoma (where the winds go blowing down the plains) is known for. SB immediately started voicing loudly that it was much colder than we suspected, PP tried to eat the wind and when that failed started running full power into it, and I didn't know whether to laugh at PP's antics or admit to SB that we are unprepared for a 3 mile walk in much colder weather than we thought. We stuck it out.
PP found a snake. Just a little one, slightly bigger than your typical cable cord. That was fun. She was loving the wind and the cold and the walking. SB and I made it about a mile before we had to turn around because we were freezing and SB was concerned about his ankle.
On the way home we stopped off to get Starbucks (yay for something warm!). When we got home I checked the temperature online. It was 52 degree with a 20 mph wind gusts making the real feel 47 degrees. Awesome t-shirt weather.
So our first family outing could have gone a little bit better. But we did learn something: next time we'll check the actual weather rather than basing what we wear on whether it's sunny or not.