Jan 19, 2009 16:49
I've never really paid much attention to the writer's block question that pops up every time I sign into livejournal. But today's made me curious. Today's question was "It's the last day in office for George Bush. There's been a lot of talk in the media lately about Bush's legacy. What do you think he will be most remembered for?"
I wasn't really interested in answering the question, but I was curious to see how other people answered it. Of the 45ish responses, not one had anything positive to say. Every single one of them said something along the lines of "being the worst president ever" or "destroying America" or even "being a complete ****." People mentioned that he never should have been in the office anyway since he "stole" the election in 2000.
My main thought while reading these responses was "I wonder how old these people are." Because I think that matters. I have been alive to see four presidents: Reagan, G. Bush, Clinton, and GW Bush. And honestly... since I was still in high school and over seas during the 2000 election, I didn't really pay attention to it. Sure, I followed it for my history class, but I never felt really invested in it. I never knew what was going on during the Clinton administration, except of course when everyone was going on about Monica. Most of my friends are the same way. The only president and administration we have personally paid attention to has been GW's. Did he do some things wrong? Yes. Did he do some things right? Yes. Did he destroy America? In my opinion, No.
I guess what my thought about how old the people responding to the question is based on the fact that I've always assumed that livejournal is full of people who are in my generation, so in their teens to late 20s. So if that's the case, some of them might know what they're talking about, they might have paid attention to the last 8 years and have an informed opinion. But it also means that chances are there are also some people responding who are younger than I am and therefore just parroting what others have said.
That's my whole issue with the current talk about Bush. I feel like most people are just parrots. They say Bush is a bad president and when asked why they always fall back on two answers: the war and the economy. There are a lot of reasons the economy is failing, Bush couldn't cause it all to happen by himself. As for the war... probably not the best idea to go into Iraq, but I still stand by my decision to support his decision to start the war on terror. No one should be allowed to attack our country and get away with it.
I remember the day war was declared. A friend of mine sent me an IM saying "Are you happy now?" I told her no, I wasn't happy, but I believed this needed to be done. Eight years later I still say the same thing. No, I'm not happy about the situation, but I still believe it needed to be done.
Huh, so apparently I'm going on a rant. I didn't mean to. I'm just tired of all the Bush bashing. Well, congratulations everyone. Bush's run is over and you now have your shiny star Obama. I wonder if you are going to be as judgmental of him as you were bush. I guess we'll see, won't we?