Nov 07, 2008 10:09
WE are to Blame
Don't get me wrong - Palin was a disaster in waiting. And obviously Palin was used by the campaign.
All that Sarah Palin IS guilty of is that she allowed herself to be used. Clearly, she didn't have the understanding that moving to the Big Leagues was going to be different than running for Mayor or even for Governor of an insulated, small population state.
There are a lot of people out there who get by with flash over substance - sizzle over steak. (Paris Hilton anyone?) Unfortunately, a run for President will examine and magnify and distort every possible flaw a person has and even those they don't have ... and Sarah either didn't consider that or actually believed that she was qualified (I would bet on the latter). She had stars in her eyes. It's sad to see what is now happening, but it is also so very predictable given how our society falls for the cult of "celebrity".
I once had a boss who told me that "perception is reality" as he "reworked" (ie: lied about) the unpopular profit projections to send to head office. Unfortunately, people like him believe that a good lie is better than the hard truth.
So who is ultimately responsible? WE ARE. We are a society that encourages hubris and overreaching. We egg them on to reach the top and then we gather with stones in our hands to knock them down when they get there.
Sarah will be fine ... she believes in her own PR. That's the really frightening thing.
sarah palin,
blaming palin,
cult of celebrity,