Dec 08, 2004 22:24
you know, some people just need to grow the fuck up. because im finally sick of all this bull shit. so i hope u have fun living in ur own world. your gunna lose a lot of friends if u cant even talk to them about problems. seirously, thats too childish of you. i even expected higher. oh well. not my problem any more. and that is where the curtain drops for the both of us. i thoguht that the future would hold good for us. but no. you ruined it. i ruined it. but maybe its for the better. i have learned a lesson. some people, cant be trusted. so that means that some people, like you, will NEVER be trusted, especially from my point of view. and trust me, never means never.
ok. im done with the stupid shit. goodnight to my friends that i care about.