I got a whole week of clarity, well, of improved clarity.
And then I get to the counter at Francesca's to order my coffee, and I can't explain what I want. The person behind the register is looking at me, I"m trying to say I want a medium coffee in a large cup, except that doesn't come out, and all I get is "large coffe, medium..." then I figure out I'm doing it wrong. I feel the tears coming on, I'm so friggen frustrated, and I look them in the face, and then close my eyes and pound on the counter, while another barista is saying "take a deep breath", and I manage to get out "medium" *pound "coffee" *pound "large" * pound "cup" * pound. The other barista is saying "so she'll have plenty of room for cream" to the one I'm confusing and frustrating behind the register, and I manage to find money and pay, biting my lip so I don't start crying at the register. The other barista has my coffee there quick - I'm so messed up I have no idea what she even looked like, I never saw her. "If you need a lid, it is the black ones over by the cream" she says. I make it over there, start crying, put fucking cream and sugar into my coffee, and figure that at this point, a lid is probably a good idea. I made it to the couch atleast, out of traffic, before breaking down completely.
So, to the barista that understood that something was very wrong with me and for knowing what I wanted and needed to know - Thank you!
This is better than last week, when the burner on the stove was left on by
marq, and all I could say was "ON!" "ON!" and point at it. A fucking baby communicates better that I do when stressed. Yay for stress induced aphasia!!
So if you are trying to talk to me, please realize that these days, I may have a hard time understanding you if you are not clear and putting good spacing in between your words, and if I ask you to repeat what you said, put more space in ( saying it the exact same way will NOT help at all). Please realize too that if I am talking, or you ask me a question and I freeze up, that I just can't find the right word, ok? I may not be able to come up with the right one, or even a way to explain the concept using other words. It is very frustrating to either hear only gibberish or to not be able to explain what I need to say. The code phrase " can't speak english" is usually what I'll say if I'm having a problem - that's the only thing available at the time I need it, and it seems consistent.