Run Forest, Run!

May 04, 2006 09:26

My neck is killing me. I must've slept on it funny because it's got a kink on the left side that just won't go away. Blah, it's making me a touch grumpy. Getting up at 4 am this morning to take my roommate to the airport didn't help either. This is the third time I've driven him...dude owes me. :)
Other than this little problem, I've been doing fine this week. We're bottling again at work, this time Cabernet and Merlot. Something like 12,000 gallons of wine - now that would make for a good party! Luckily we're not going to have to work on Friday, as was previously thought. I'm ready for some sleeping in and resting!
Not only has work been busy, but I've managed to motivate myself evening this week for 2.5 mile run/walks. I love this weather!!! I can actually get OUTSIDE and get some badly needed exercize. I feel pretty out of shape for the running; panting at a quarter mile. It's hard for me to believe that 1 mile used to be my warm-up for a 6 mile run. Yikes. I need to get back into that kind of shape. Maybe this time I'll try for a marathon. Now that would be an accomplishment!
From what I've heard, the trick to starting up a running exercize program is to:
a)run slower than you think you should
b)don't run as far as you think you should
and c)run MORE often than you think you should
So, a little bit, everyday...sounds doable to me!
That is all...must get some work done.
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