TVD 3x22: The Departed

May 11, 2012 00:04


No but really, I thought that was good--better than anything this show has put out in the back half of this season and made me feel all the things.

-Nina Dobrev deserves all the fucking awards and will probably never get them because she has the misfortune to be on a CW show. Whatever, TVD when it's on (and even when it's off tbh), is still better than most everything else on TV.

-Most of the flashbacks KILLED ME. I know they were mostly used in relation to the <3 triangle but omg Elena when she had parents and was a cheerleader and Caroline was still her frenemy.

-JEREMY DOING EVERYTHING HE CAN TO PROTECT HIS SISTER. I complained a lot at the beginning of the season that the Salvatore bros and then the Originals siblings got all the ~family is more important than anything~ attention so I'm glad to see it coming around again to Jeremy and Elena. Theirs should be an interesting relationship next year should Elena turn (SHOULD she turn - I'm still not entirely convinced because.... I don't really want to believe it in my heart? lol). Omg @ Elena one day having to watch Jeremy die, though. I NEED A TUMBLR BUCKET FOR MY MISPELLED CREYS.

-FML, I really enjoyed S/E this episode. I know liking Stefan/Elena is really uncool right now but jesus when he left her there to die because that's what she wanted - FAVOURITE MOMENT SINCE 3x03 WHICH I KNOW IS NOT SAYING MUCH BECAUSE EVERYTHING HAS BEEN TERRIBLE SINCE ABOUT THEN (WITH SOME EXCEPTIONS) BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. He still left her there to die (and she actually did die) and that is not something I've ever seen from a Romantic Hero before when it comes to their One True Love so I'm impressed/stunned. Whatever, it was beautiful. Or terrible. It was beautifully terrible? It was #beaurrible. #new tag on tumblr #tell your friends

Their kiss was kind of awkward though and seemed to be filmed similarly to the D/E kiss from 3x10? But DDDDD: @ it being Elena's last human kiss. Stop toying with my emotions, show. I hate you.

-lol @ Elena's BIG CHOICE being more of A choice rather than THE choice but we all knew that. Also don't think I didn't catch how Stefan is the one who helps Elena feel "alive". I SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING THERE.

-That said, the triangle continues to be horribly heavy-handed and anvilicious. First Rose then Caroline then Klaus now MATT is oddly invested in the outcome of Elena's choice. But why, though.

Annnnnd I thought the D/E parts were especially weak this week which surprised me since D/E has been the better written part of the triangle for most of this season. But so much eye-rolling this week. First of all, I cannot with the word "consume" being used to describe love thanks to my recent wanderings into Gossip Girl. Ugh put that word in a corner next to "epic" AND THEN SET THAT CORNER ON FIRE. Then there was the terrible "if I had met you first" convo transitioning into DUN DUN DUN Elena DID meet Damon first, in the weirdest, most unbelievable way possible. We're supposed to believe now that Damon and Elena had this connection from the start? But Damon was entirely focused on Katherine in S1! He only went after Elena to fuck with Stefan, fully intending to compel her into being his sex slave and chew toy. They didn't even become FRIENDS until much later in S1. BUT FINE DAMON MET HER AND GAVE HER A SPEECH ABOUT CONSUMING AND PASSIONATE LOVE AND THEN COMPELLED HER TO FORGET WHICH IS WHY ELENA THINKS SHE MET STEFAN FIRST HAHAHA ISN'T IT IRONIC.


-I love dark knight!Bonnie and I want her to stay always. Why did she choose to put Klaus into Tyler, though, and not... idk, Damon or something who was RIGHT THERE and arguably Bonnie likes less? Oh right because love triangle reasons.

-So was Tyler in Klaus's body when it exploded? Is Tyler dead? What?

-Rebekah's killing people methods are faulty.

-SO ARE STEFAN'S SAVING PEOPLE METHODS. I accept that he really did have to choose between Elena and Matt because that is what the show is telling me to believe, BUT I JUST HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS OKAY. Like why didn't he unbuckle Elena's seatbelt so she could swim to safety? Is Stefan incapable of saving two people at once? Is he back on the bunny diet and that's why his vampire powers are suddenly not strong enough to carry two people?

-I knew that Caroline and Tyler were too blissful together to last but Caroline crying is always a stab to in my heart.

-Elijah was sadly underused but NOT dead so that means he can come back in the future and hopefully be better used.

-I'm a big supporter of Elena's human humaness being the centre of the show but I think... maybe... I could be okay with her being a vampire? This season was starting to feel stale, especially with the focus being on LET'S ALL PROTECT ELENA/EVERYTHING ELENA TOUCHES TURNS TO DUST so this could be a refreshing new direction from the show and maybe get us away from everyone wanting to kill the doppelganger every week.

Plus a vampire!Elena/Katherine hookup would be hot. YOU KNOW IT.

nina dobrev is queen of my heart, the vampire diaries, stefan/elena, the vampire diaries: reaction post

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