Reaction Round Up Post

Apr 30, 2012 11:57


[TVD 3x20]-I've been reluctant to post my TVD thoughts because.... I didn't hate it? lmao.

-I hear/see everyone's criticism re: Stefan/Elena and I wish more than anything that Stefan and S/E were better constructed by the writers but I've given up on that because this show obviously doesn't care that much about their story as an individual entity outside of the ~triangle. That said, I found them really cute and sweet in a nostalgic way, which is what I think the episode was going for. The "guy I used to date"/"girl I used to date" thing was so cute and warmed my heart. I also liked their scene at the end because it reminded us that what Stefan provides to Elena's life is safety--he's a nurturer, he was always there to pick her up when she was at her lowest moments and suddenly there he was again. It creates a real question wrt to the triangle because up until 3x20, it was starting to look like Delena was the obvious conclusion. But between the last two episodes, I think what the writers are going for is that Damon = exciting but dangerous and Stefan = love and safety. Which is the ultimate simplification because RICKERY BRIDGE but fine.

-I think the reason why this triangle has veered so terribly off the tracks is because it's turned into ~who will Elena choose~ which it really wasn't up until a few episodes ago. Even this season, with D/E getting closer and Stefan off the rails, I would have said that Elena's "choice" was NEITHER. Now the show is framing it as her needing to make a choice which makes the whole thing seem more manufactured and less organic. The great thing about this triangle in the past was that it was about the development of the complicated relationship among the three of them rather than the drama of Elena needing to make some kind of "choice."

-Caroline the Stelena shipper didn't bother me all that much (though I do think that the word "epic" needs to be stricken from this show's lexicon because lord do I hate it). I accept Caroline pulling for Team Stefan for two reasons:

1). Damon raped and abused her. Caroline is allowed to always hold this against him and never think that he is a good choice for her best friend. End of story.

2). Stefan was Caroline's Yoda--the person who picked her up after the lowest moment in her life and showed her that being a vampire meant she didn't have to be a monster. Unfortunately this relationship has been totally neglected this season, but I can believe that Caroline will always have a blind spot towards him. He's her mentor; she will always hold him on a pedestal especially in comparison to Damon.

That said, the framing of Rose's tumblr speech versus Caroline's tumblr post was the WORST. STOP IT SHOW. STOP RIGHT NOW.

-I don't give many fucks for Alaric at this point, but lord if Elena and Jeremy's anguish didn't make me horribly sad. Elena, your life blows. Stop being so compelling when you're in pain. D:

-I'm not sure I've ever liked Damon more than in that scene with him sitting next to his only friend and saying goodbye. Good acting, writing, directing etc.

-WHEN DID JAMIE AND BONNIE START DATING??? I actually found myself wondering if I'd missed an episode/scene where they expressed romantic interest in each other. Jesus this show is so terrible when it comes to Bonnie. I was grateful for a glimpse into her POV this episode, but it was mostly just Bonnie reacting in scenes with a guest-star? Are we supposed to care about Jamie and be invested in this relationship? KAT GRAHAM, YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR THIS SHOW.

-I've been speculating this all season but Tyler is totally dying in the season finale y/y.

-lol @ Klaus's continued futile attempts to get his boyfriend back and Damon getting possessive. Also a good scene.

So um YEAH definitely not the best episode of the series, but I don't think it was the worst either.

Cabin in the Woods

[Mostly an unspoilery Cabin in the Woods reaction because this movie was THE BEST and you should go see it]Soo.... I am totally one of "those" fans who only went to see this movie because it was a Joss Whedon production. While I like horror films, the gory torture porn genre is my least favourite thing. Basically Joss's name being attached to it was the only reason I went and I am so glad I did because it was the BEST. In some ways, Cabin in the Woods is exactly what you would expect from "Joss Whedon does a horror movie" - hysterical dialogue, decent characters who are more than 2D, and an unexpected ending.

What really makes this movie is that it manages to be so many things at once: it was the funniest thing I've seen this year but also the scariest. It was a parody of the genre without being too mocking. And the ending is the most off-the-wall ridiculous but also AMAZING thing. Like at first you think its veering towards nuking the fridge territory but it just keeps going and embraces the fact that it is becoming totally ridiculous and off-the-wall and over-the-top and somehow... it totally works?? I honestly don't know if I've ever enjoyed the last 25 minutes of a movie more than Cabin in the Woods because of all the wtf but AMAZINGLY SO.

I liked it so much I would go back again especially since now I would know which parts to cover my eyes at before they happen lol.

/Whedon stan for life

Game of Thrones

[GoT 2x01 and 2x02]I started catching up on S2 with my mum last night and someone PLEASE TELL ME THIS SEASON IMPROVES because I was so bored omfg. Like even more bored than during Nate's scenes in Gossip Girl which is a lot of boredom, especially since the two episodes packed in incest, rape, and killing babies. I MEAN I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BORED. And when I'm bored, I tune out and then become even more lost and confused because I guess in this show the dialogue is super important and they don't repeat the important things 10,000 times before the climax like your average CW show?? Rude.

Anyway my mum has read the books now so we would pause every 10 minutes so she could fill me in on what happened. UM BASICALLY JUST GIVE ME NATALIE DORMER SO I CAN SEE HER SCENES AND THEN PEACE OUT.

This sort of reminds me of when BSG was big--like everyone I know loves this show so much and on paper it's something I should like but for whatever reason it just doesn't work for me. :|

the vampire diaries, game of thrones, joss, whedonverse, the vampire diaries: episode reaction

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