Go to tumblr for the gifs; stay for the delena vs stelena passive aggressive ship wars

Oct 15, 2011 23:56

I haven't posted about TVD yet! Mostly because a) this show sometimes overwhelms me completely with emotions and I need time to think about things and re-watch; b) I've had to put aside of all of my feelings and focus on all the course work I have to get done for next week. :|

The tl;dr version of my thoughts on 3x05 though are "OTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" so here is a video instead (SPOILERS):

image Click to view

Man this show. Next week can we have an episode where people just stand around in living room talking about their feelings and nothing else happens? I could really use it.

ETA: Also UNRELATED to TVD but RELATED to the One True Loves of My Life, the Habs vs. Avs game tonight was WILD and well worth the break I took to watch most of it, but this whole "Carey Price in search of his 100th win" thing is a big fat curse, isn't it? The longer we go winless, the more we're going to hear things like "Carey Price still in search of his 100 win!" and then heads will be messed with and sacrifices will probably have to be made. #too early in the season to panic but I am doing so anyway

the vampire diaries, stefan/elena, the vampire diaries: too many feelings, hockey, go habs go

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