There are not enough words for all the things I am feeling

Sep 30, 2011 16:08

I feel like I need a week to process this episode. OH OH, I CAN PROCESS IT JUST IN TIME TO BE HIT IN THE FACE WITH MORE EMOTIONAL WHALLUP NEXT THURSDAY. Stay tuned for next Thursday at 8pm : FRANCES HAS A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN AND MOVES INTO A CABIN IN THE WOODS TO BECOME A HERMIT. #reasonablecopingmechanisms

-Paul needs to win ALL THE AWARDS. Seriously, all of them. What an under-appreciated star.


KATHERINE, I MISSED YOUR FACE. I know that technically I get to see it every week but I still missed it.

Katherine is my favourite. Okay, Stefan and Elena are my favourites, but Katherine is also my favourite I JUST NEED ELIJAH BACK AND THEN I CAN HAVE ALL MY FAVOURITES. Anyway she didn’t really do anything much in this episode besides strut around and look amazing but I don’t need Katherine to do more than that. Plus she was totally flirting it up with Damon and I ship D/K in this weird way I can’t explain - okay, no, I can explain it, I JUST NEED THEM TO HAVE SEX AND SNARK AT EACH OTHER, JUST ONCE, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK - and it cracks me up forever that Katherine is only interested in Damon now that she knows he doesn’t want her anymore. Lol Katherine. They have this developed this wonderfully sparkly reluctant allies chemistry though and I want more of it.

Also the return of Katherine Stalks Stefan Through The Centuries while Nina wore the most ridiculous wig? YYYYYY.

-My shipping heart right now feels like someone punched it with a paring knife, but I am not sure I would change anything. STEFAN/ELENA, THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME.


My heart actually stopped. People who say Paul and Nina have no “intense” chemistry need to leave the building right now BECAUSE THERE IS A FIRE IN IT THAT PAUL AND NINA STARTED WITH THE FORCE OF THEIR STARE.

*Elena comes face-to-face with the absolute worst of Stefan’s past and what she takes away from it isn’t that he kept a list of his victims in his closet but that he got better before, he can get better again. Lexi pulled him back from the brink before, Elena can save him now.

And If Elena can save Stefan with the power of her love, maybe that will help make up for all the other people she couldn’t save-all the people she loved who died because of her.

Remember Stefan and Elena at the lakehouse: “I just want you to fight for it”? This show does love its parallels.

*And oh Stefan, with his cruel words but he is being kind because he is so, so RIGHT. Even putting aside how he has to do this to protect her from Klaus, things will never be the same. There IS a pile of bodies strewn between them and even if he did go back and let Elena “fix” him, it would be incredibly selfish of him to take those years out of her human life. It doesn’t matter how much she loves him; she can’t save him with love.


*I actually feel like I ship it more than I ever have before? I love, love, loved functional S2 Stefan and Elena, but I feel like I’m finally getting all the longing and build-up that was missing from their story. I’m getting to feel all the anguish of them being apart and wanting desperately for them to just get over all this petty nonsense and be together again. ELENA, BEING A PSYCHOTIC MURDERER WHO WALKED AWAY FROM YOU ISN'T A DEAL BREAKER RIGHT.

This is simultaneously the best/worst feeling in the world. Oh, show.

*So anyway, 3x04 needs to be entitled "Elena Gilbert and the Nervous Breakdown" y/y?

-The flashbacks were all great fun even though I spent most of the episode feeling like a wreck of a human being. REALLY weird for me to see Stefan getting it on with a character not played by Nina Dobrev, though, and I am not sure how I’m going to handle Stefan and Bex in present day if they push it forward. ISSUES, I HAVE THEM. I’m also a little baffled by why Bex was so into him when she’s this 2000+ year-old Original and Stefan was a bb vampire just starting out but I guess both she and Klaus just really enjoyed the way Stefan tortured people which OKAY FINE WHY NOT. Those bloodthirsty Originals, man.


LOL @ this though:

I mean, Stefan makes a valid point.

-Omg that scene where ripper!Stefan compels that guy to drink his wife’s blood, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. SO CREEPY no I was not still having inappropriate thoughts about Stefan during that scene that would just be weird and screwed up okay WHATEVER YOU DON’T KNOW MY LIFE.

-Man what else happened in this episode? My mind is too full of OTP to remember much else. OH. Poor Caroline got chained up and tortured again. THIS IS ALWAYS THE WORST. And side-eying Elena a little tbh for not being in touch with her bff’s kidnapping. I loved Liz being so protective of her little girl though. Best parent/child relationship on the show.

-Lastly, olga_keepout made the most brilliant observation after 3x01 that Damon’s role last season was the action guy who makes all the tough decision… and then lets Stefan do all the cuddling and holding when Elena gets emotional and stuff (see all of 2x18 for more on this). But this season? Suddenly Damon has to play both roles and is generally failing at it. Specifically, DAMON IS NOT GOOD AT HUGGING, HE NEEDS BETTER HUGGING SKILLS. So I loved that scene where Elena is falling apart after her closet meeting with Stefan and Damon is joking and being a dick about it even though DAMON, DUDE, THIS IS AN IDEAL TIME FOR AN ELENA HUG, SHE WOULD HAVE LET YOU TOUCH HER MAN AND YOU THREW IT AWAY - because being the nurturer is not Damon’s role, that is Stefan’s role. I'm excited to see Damon start cracking under this pressure.

-Okay that wasn’t the last thing, this is the last thing:


all the awards for paul wesley, the vampire diaries, stefan/elena, katherine pierce is my tv girlfriend, the vampire diaries: too many feelings, the vampire diaries: episode reaction

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