On Saturday I went for a run outdoors and then yesterday on the way to school it snowed on my head so THANK YOU VERY MUCH, WEATHER, FOR PUNKING ME. D: And then today I had a paper due and mostly I just want to flop around in relief tonight but I have ANOTHER paper due on Thursday. Also I went grocery shopping on my way home from school and my bags were really heavy and I felt cold and sorry for myself.
Accurate representation of my state of mind an hour and a half ago.
I'm just gonna sit here and make some tea and watch the hockey game.
Also I have been meaning to post about the fabulous AU world that lives in my head where Stefan and Elena are Scottish sheep farmers
Usually I eschew all things AU and want nothing to do with them because aliens and monsters and vampires and saving the world are in general way more exciting than moving to the suburbs and living in domestic bliss but in the case of Stefan/Elena, I have this whole AU canon existing in my head for them and I must share it with the world.
So my AU head canon starts with this:
Elena’s warm and she’s kind and she’s caring and she’s selfless. And it’s real. And honestly when I’m around her, I completely forget what I am.
-Stefan, 162 Candles
I adore this whole speech while it simultaneously cracks me up. Keep straddling that line between cute and cheesy Stefan n’ Elena, it’s all good. So Stefan likes Elena because she MAKES HIM FEEL LIKE A MAN AND NOT A VAMPIRE but also notably because she’s so kind and selfless and warm and caring and blah, blah, blah. AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME. At his heart, Stefan wants to nurture. He is such a mummy, and I mean that in the most positive way and also I don’t think Stefan would mind being called “mummy” because he is usually so respectful to women and would probably take it as a high compliment. And also I think Elena has a lot of mummy powers, mostly when it comes to being gentle and kind and empathetic, so of course Stefan is drawn to that. BECAUSE THEY CAN NURTURE AND FIX THINGS TOGETHER. And also sometimes stab things and torture vampires with vervain and be badass because they are on a vampire show.
So this is my thing. I have created this whole AU world in my head where Stefan and Elena are sheep farmers in Scotland. I KNOW, IT SOUNDS WEIRD BUT HEAR ME OUT. As sheep farmers, they can:
1). Attend to the flock and nurture things. Mostly I just like the image of them HAVING A FLOCK THAT THEY CAN NURTURE. The sheep are sort of secondary to this.
2). Put on really bad fake Scottish accents. Well actually maybe in this scenario Elena can be a Bulgarian immigrant to Scotland who... took up... sheep farming... because Nina talking Bulgarian is the best ever.
3). Live in a village where THEY KNOW EVERYONE ELSE and people always come to them with their problems and to get fixed. Elena hugs people a lot while Stefan paces in the background and occasionally pops in to give an inspiring lecture about being a better person.
4). Damon lives in the attic because he lives to troll Stefan IN ALL THE REALITIES and sometimes he steals Stefan’s hair gel because he is mean like that. Also he and Elena have this weird sexual chemistry/tension thing that most often comes out in the morning when they pass each other by the coffee pot and Damon says something insulting and Elena is all “Damon” and he’s all up in her personal space and then Stefan comes in with his hair all floppy (because Damon stole his hair gel) and is both annoyed and maybe a little jealous.
5). Caroline is their sassy gay best friend only not a man or gay BUT YOU GET THE POINT. Also she spends most of her time travelling the world because she thinks sheep farming is boring but sometimes she also needs to come home and get a patented Stefan and Elena hug and maybe paint her nails with them.
So you see this head canon is all true and completely accurate.