I. It's still really warm and mild out, but for some reason my landlord is still blasting the heat on in the apartment with the result that I'm spending a lot of time panting in front of open windows. UGH. I hate when it gets warm and stuffy inside. D: Could be worse, though. It could be that January and February I spent in the Apartment of Doom without any heat at all. (I was actually going through my "Apartment of Doom" tag the other night and came across a post describing the time the Montreal police interrogated my roomate and me due to a domestic spat next door and LOL @ how my life has not been as exciting/terrifying since that year.)
II. So there is talk of an
American version of Torchwood. Normally talk of an "American version" of a cheesy British show would make me go "AHHHHHHHHHHH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, DO NOT WANT" but apparently it will be headed up by some Russell T Davies guy and Julie Gardner. HEY, WHERE HAVE I HEARD THOSE NAMES BEFORE? My "LOL Torchwood" reaction aside, I would probably be willing to follow RTD anywhere after Doctor Who. So my reaction can best be summed up by "Hmmm" and a little bit of "Ooh!"
III. I feel like I should have a "III" even though I have nothing else relevant to say. Umm... two more days of class before I go on break? Yay.