I. The city is finally clearing the snow off my street which is exciting since it implies I can walk on the sidewalk again tomorrow. It's actually sort of cool - they come along in these monster tractor looking machines which sucks up the snow and then dumps it in a truck which then wheels it away to... IDK, someplace that is not here. DRIVE AWAY, SNOW. DRIIIIVE.
Though this has always struck me as kind of a futile action in the winter because as soon as your street is clear, there is another snowfall and the whole thing starts all over again. Oh, well.
OOH, flashing lights are making cool patterns on the walls.
II. So apparently the key to distracting
_thirty2flavors from raging at anonymous people on the Internet is to send her links to Doctor Who videos on Youtube set to Coldplay songs. Who knew? Also we are possibly writing fic together again and I think this one is going to be even more epic than "Blood and Anger and Revenge." COMING SOON: Fire and Ice and Rage.
III. I had charitable thoughts about S5 the other day! And by "charitable," I mean I was no longer going "DO NOT WANT" which I think is an improvement. But there's going to be a whole season of Doctor Who again! Thirteen episodes! In a row! And a companion! It feels like ages since there's been a regular companion. Okay, it's not quite excitement, but still. Dazzle me, Steven Moffat.
IV. I've been catching up on Merlin this week and LOL THIS SHOW. I'm up to about episode 10 and I love it. Also, I think I'm legitimately shipping Arthur/Gwen? IDK. Last season I was like "okay... we know the legend goes this way, but I do not see it at all" and now I'm bouncing around and flapping my hands. Please don't ruin this for me, BBC. YOU HAVE A HISTORY.