(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 20:26

For the train ride back to Ottawa, I put on Doctor Who Confidential which made me CRY ALL OVER AGAIN. And I watched the whole thing, which is unusual for me since usually I get impatient when they spend 20 minutes explaining some CGI affect they did. But... woe.

Anyway, at some point a woman considered sitting down next to me, but after one look at me evidently decided that sitting next to the crazy person weeping to herself was not a good plan and sat next to someone else instead. OKAY, FINE. I mean, I was grieving okay.

So on a Crazy Scale of 1 - 10 in terms of dealing with the death of a fictional character, I would say that I'm at about 6. Clearly this is good progress.

-They made David Tennant come in for a bit of speech after his last shoot, and he kept getting choked up and apologizing for it which made me go D: D: D: GOD WHY WOULD THEY FILM THAT AND THEN PUT IT OUT IN PUBLIC LIKE THAT. HAVE YOU NO HEART, DOCTOR WHO CONFIDENTIAL.

-RTD met Matt Smith for the first time on set, and had some comment about how wrong it felt to see him in David Tennant's clothes. I was like "YESSSS, IT IS. VALIDATION."

-Julie Gardner also got all blubbery while giving an interview, which made me want to die on the inside. UGH. THERE SHOULD BE A WARNING.

-They all talked about the "twist" where the Doctor finds out it's Wilf and not the Master who "knocks four times" and how great and sad it was and just... BASTARDS. YOU ARE ALL BASTARDS.

-lol @ someone (Euros Lynn, I think) talking about how they got RTD's script and were like, "You want us to wheel David Tennant down stairs strapped to a chair? After he just had back surgery?!" That RTD man is mean and evil. How do you not know this.

-Apparently they filmed four takes of Ten's last line, the fourth of which was said while he was completely breaking down and David Tennant vetoed it as not in character because the Doctor would be more stoic than that. Aww, David. I MISS YOU AND YOUR HAIR ALREADY.

-David Tennant also talked about how hard it was filming his last scene with Billie Piper in S2 (the "stuff of legend" scene from The Satan Pit), which made me "awww" and then went on to say that it was probably good that his last scenes pretty much involved hanging by wires in front of green screens. I awwed again.

-Yeah, Doctor Who Confidential's music video of the last four years set to a bad pop song had me going D: D: D:.

So basically I think I'm still here:

In non-Doctor Who related news:

-It has been snowing for three days. I am eyeing the sky suspiciously. Humph.

-Jean Chretien the Fish survived two weeks on his own, hoorah! At first I was baffled because it didn't look like he'd eaten any of the food block I left for him but then I finally found some fish shaped teeth marks on the bottom of it, which... okay, he is a pretty small fish. I knew Jean Chretien could last through anything.

-I'm hopefully meeting up with my BFF _thirty2flavors some time tomorrow so we can cry on each other. IT WILL BE FUN. I bet you're all jealous.

-I guess school starts tomorrow or something. Humph.

doctor who: season 4.5, kali is from kanata, doctor who, jean chretien the fish, david tennant

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