But first an anecdote. I was in the Ottawa bus station circa 4:30, waiting impatiently for the 5:00pm bus to Montreal to arrive when I got several texts from
shinyopals along the lines of: "OMG, HAVE YOU SEEN THE CIN PREVIEW? BEST THING EVER. WHY ARE YOU NOT ON THE INTERNET." (I also sent one to Kali in distress who basically responded with the same thing. I HATE YOU BOTH.) So I had a long two and a half hour bus ride to contemplate why science hasn't yet created chips that we can insert into our brains to just download things direct. I MEAN, WOULD THAT BE SO HARD. Then we could never leave the Internet ever. Even if we wanted to.
Anyway, that's all beside the point. The point is, it's now 2am and I have something to say about the CiN preview clip for the Doctor Who Christmas Special.
_thirty2flavors earlier this week about how the greatest thing about Crazy Ten is that YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'LL DO NEXT. I mean, he's just as likely to save a planet as he is to blow it up as he is to marry and do Queen Elizabeth I as he is to turn the TARDIS into a car. Also I can't figure out if he actually married Queen Elizabeth or is just saying he did to be obnoxious. I also don't know which version I like better. THUS THE GREATNESS BEHIND CRAZY TEN. I want him to stay this way forever.
-His mania also kind of reminded me of the Master in The Sound of Drums, which OH HEY, LOOK AT WHO SHOWED UP AT THE END. WHAT A TOTALLY UNEXPECTED REVEAL. I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT WAS COMING.
-lol, Ood. Yeah.
-I like that he apparently did all these whacky things after being summoned by the Ood. That's kind of what he does in the post-WoM fic I'm writing. You know, runs all over the place in an attempt to not deal with what he did before... ending up really drunk in a bar in the wrong side of town and... hallucinating Rose. Okay, maybe RTD's version differs slightly from mine. But only slightly.
-RTD is totally bringing back the Time Lords in some capacity, isn't he? OMG NO. AND WHY. *shields eyes* I refuse to fully deal with this possibility until I have to.
I think it's my bedtime now.