That was a lot of fun!
_thirty2flavors and I agreed that it was basically exactly what we were expecting - no more, no less, but still a good time. There were many lulz and the storyline was easy to follow even though I haven’t watched more than a handful of episodes before. Well done, Gareth Roberts.
Seeing Ten again kind of made me go like this:
But aww, poor Sarah Jane. Silly her for not realizing that alien fighters have to live on alone while everything around them turns to dust. That’s like Becoming The Doctor 101. Just talk to Jack.
Some highlights:
-I really enjoyed all the strange, wheezing TARDIS noises we kept hearing throughout the first episode. Kali and I theorized that Ten was probably peering into windows outside of Sarah Jane’s house like the peeping Tom he is and thinking about how ALONE HE IS and how EVERYTHING TURNS TO DUST and if he had a son IT WOULD PROBABLY GET SHOT AND DIE IN HIS ARMS. He was probably also standing in the rain.
-Luke is freakishly well behaved and understanding for a pre-teenage boy. Kali suggested that it’s because he’s a freakish alien baby that was ~loomed~. I figured this made as much sense as anything.
-The Doctor showing up to end the wedding and save Sarah Jane from the trickster made me laugh really hard because his grand plan seemed to be flinging his arms around and yelling a lot. OH TEN, WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE THIS NEVER WORKS.
-Ahahaha, the Trickster gave the Doctor the “MAN OF ICE AND FIRE... and walked among gods” speech. That’s always a good speech to repeat ad nauseum. But I liked the way he was all “OH SNAP, don’t talk to me about loneliness” while Ten pulled his emo face.
-Then there was some anvil about the “gates waiting for him” which I’m sure is totally unimportant and not a portent of bad things to come at all. *waves hand*
-Aww, poor Sarah Jane.
- Kali and I laughed really hard when Ten burst in to go, “GOOD JOB, SARAH JANE.” That’s what every girl longs to hear after killing her husband, well done, Doctor. It’s not like he might have any inkling of what it’s like to lose someone you love for the sake of the universe. Pfft.
-Bwah at the Sarah Jane being all, “Well, duh. Of course the Doctor ran off like that.”
-BUT HE DIDN’T. AWW. Little pre-teen kids in the TARDIS. :D
-HEE at Sarah Jane being important to keeping chaos in the universe at bay. Clearly the Doctor takes Torchwood’s abilities to defend the Earth as seriously as the rest of us.
-I’m really amused that Ten couldn’t be bothered to show up when Jack was killing children, but Sarah Jane’s alien wedding apparently warranted a universe in peril crisis. Poor unloved Jack.
The Doctor shows up to crash a wedding by yelling and waving his arms around a lot.
Doctor! :D
“I’m pretty amazing on a good day.” HEE.
Ooh, look at him stand there... with the sonic screwdriver... doing stuff. IT’S BEEN A WHILE, OKAY. SHUT UP.
Sarah Jane: Is this the last time I’m ever going to see you?
Doctor: I don’t know. I hope not.
Sarah Jane: Bye, Doctor. Until the next time.
Doctor: Don’t forget me, Sarah Jane.
Sarah Jane: No one’s ever going to forget you.
Aww, poor on-the-brink-of-regeneration!Ten is sad. It makes us sad, too, Ten. *sniffs*