Much as I love hanging out in Doctor/Rose fandom, I sometimes find myself yearning for a little more Martha love. I think there’s this weird thing in this fandom-this unwritten rule that says you’re not allowed to be a huge Rose fan and Martha fan at the same time.
Well, um, that unwritten rule is kind of nutty, and I’m pretty convinced that there has to be other people out there who are like me and love them both fiercely. (
shinyopals and I were just talking about this today - SO THAT'S ONE OTHER PERSON.)
It’s not that I don’t also love Donna (because I do), but Donna tends to be fandom’s favourite companion, so I feel less protective of her. It also helps that I sympathize with Martha and Rose about equally-it’s like they each give me something to identify with.
I loved Rose from the moment she woke up in Rose and had bad bed-head and dressed in a baggy hoody. I loved that she was an ordinary 19-year-old girl who couldn’t beat things up with her hands or do complex math equations in her head-but she still helped save the planet and became the Doctor’s whole world because she was brave and she cared and she made her own choices. Rose was a character that showed you can be awesome just being YOU-you don’t have to look like a Hollywood model or have superpowers or be a genius.
It took me a little longer to warm up to Martha, but now I love her arc. In some ways, Rose’s arc is a bit more like a fantasy (which could explain why I write more fic for Rose than Martha even though I feel much more like a Martha than a Rose) with Martha’s arc being much more realistic and true to life. Like Martha, I’ve always been the slightly bookish, responsible one in my family-and there is NO WAY I’d go travelling with the Doctor forever. And in terms of relationships, I think Martha’s unrequited love for the Doctor hits way closer to home than what the Doctor and Rose had (much as I ship them). I was so relieved when RTD didn’t go the cliché route and have the Doctor suddenly realize he’s in love with Martha after barely noticing her existence for an entire season. One of the most empowering moments in the entire show for me is Martha declaring that she’s “getting out.” She left with dignity and her head held high and she found someone who would actually love and appreciate her. I think writers all too often make the mistake of making unrequited love requited for the sake of “rewarding” the pining person-and I’m so glad that the trope was avoided in this case. Given how BAMF Martha was in S4, I’d say she made the right choice.
1). S1 Rose
Mickey! I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him, again! You were right, you ARE alien.
I love Rose’s bravery and determination. Even after watching her planet burn (lol that Doctor person has got some serious Issues), she still takes his hand and goes for chips. Rose doesn’t hesitate to throw herself into new experiences and adventures. At first she’s impulsive - she wanders off and gets kidnapped almost every episode. But she doesn’t just sit back and let other people make choices for her or accept what the universe hands her. She fights back and makes her own choices.
Doctor: Rose, get out of the way, now!
Rose: No! I won't let you do this!
Doctor: That thing killed hundreds of people.
Rose: It’s not the one pointing the gun at me.
Doctor: You were hanging from a barrage balloon.
Rose: Oh... yeah. About two minutes after you left me. Thousands of feet above London - middle of a German air-raid - Union Jack ALL over my chest.
Doctor: I've travelled with a lot of people, but you're setting new records for jeopardy-friendly.
-The Doctor Dances
Doctor: There’s another thing the TARDIS could do. It could take us away. We could leave. Let history take its course. We go to Marbella in 1989.
Rose: Yeah, but you’d never do that.
Doctor: No, but you could ask. Never even occurred to you, did it?
Rose: Well, I guess I’m just too good.
-Parting of the Ways
2. S3 Martha
Martha Jones, you’re a star.
Martha tends to suffer quietly. S3 was all about pushing her own pain out of the way and doing what she had to for the Doctor or the world - in Human Nature/Family of Blood and again in Last of the Time lords. As silly as The Last of the Time Lords was, I think there’s something poignant in Martha being the companion who saves the world by telling a story. She didn’t absorb the time vortex or become part-Doctor-she won by using words. And I think she comes out of S3 having a little more confidence in herself and, perhaps, having learned to be a little bit selfish. She’s secure in her own abilities (“I am good”) and won’t stand for feeling like second best anymore.
Martha: What sort of species are you? It’s not every day I get to ask that.
Doctor: I’m a Time Lord.
Martha: Right. Not pompous at all, then.
-Smith and Jones
And I never said… thanks for looking after me.
-The Doctor, The Family of Blood
Tom: You’ve been in space?
Martha: Problem with that?
Tom: No. No, just… wow. Anything else I should know?
Martha: I’ve met Shakespeare.
-Last of the Time Lords
I told a story, that's all. No weapons, just words. I did just what the Doctor said. I went across the continents all on my own. And everywhere I went, I found the people, and I told them my story.
-Martha, Last of the Time Lords
Doctor: Martha Jones, you saved the world.
Martha: Yes, I did. I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best. But you know what? I am good.
-Last of the Time Lords
So this is me, getting out.
-Martha, Last of the Time Lords
3). S2 Rose
I made my choice a long time ago and I’m never going to leave you.
In S2, Rose becomes more competent in her abilities. She gets kidnapped less, and while she still wanders off and finds trouble, she’s generally more prepared to deal with it. She and the Doctor are more level with each other in S2, they argue with each other far less, and even begin to work through some of their relationship issues. Rose moves past Sarah Jane and Reinette (the Doctor’s loved before and will again) and lets go of Mickey. But what I love most about S2 is just how happy Ten and Rose seem to make each other-it was so nice to see a show about two people who went around saving the world having FUN rather than angsting about it all the time.
So, that's the trap. Or the test or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies - in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils - that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi gods and would-be gods - and out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in HER!
-The Doctor, The Satan Pit
Doctor [to Elton]: Someone wants a word with you.
Rose: You upset my mum!
Elton: Great big absorbing creature from outer space and you’re having a go at me?
Rose: No one upsets my mum.
-Love and Monsters
Rose: If you escaped the Time War, don't you want to know what happened?
Dalek Sec: Place your hand on the-
Rose: What happened to the Emperor?
Dalek Sec: The Emperor... survived?!
Rose: Till he met me. Because if these are going to be my last words, then you're going to listen. I met the Emperor. And I took the time vortex, poured it into his head and turned him into dust. You got that? The God of all Daleks. And I destroyed him! HA!
Rose: There’s still a Torchwood on this planet, it’s open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens.
Doctor: Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth.
4). S4 Martha
Now, then. I’m Doctor Martha Jones. Who the hell are you?
I love the older and independent Martha we see in S4. She’s confident in her own abilities and more willing to stand up to the Doctor. And in Journey’s End, she’s still the companion who goes off on her own to save the world. And she has very pretty hair in the Sontaran episodes and gets to introduce herself as “Dr. Jones” a lot, which is hot.
Donna: Oh, that makes a change from last time. That Martha must've done you good.
Doctor: Yeah. She did, yeah. She fancied me.
Donna: Mad Martha, that one. Blind Martha. Charity Martha.
-Partners in Crime
Doctor: People with guns are usually the enemy in my books. You seem quite at home.
Martha: If anyone got me used to fighting, it’s you.
Doctor: Oh right, so it’s my fault.
Martha: Well, you got me the job. Besides, look at me. Am I carrying a gun?
Doctor: Suppose not.
Martha: It’s all right for you. You can just come and go, but some of us have got to stay behind. So I’ve got to work from the inside and by staying inside, maybe I stand a chance of making them better.
-The Sontaran Strategem
I am a doctor and he is my patient, and I am not leaving him!
-Martha, The Doctor’s Daughter
Martha: The Osterhagen Key is to be used if the suffering of the Human Race is so great, so without hope... that this becomes the final option.
Doctor: That’s NEVER an option!
Martha: Don’t argue with me, Doctor. 'Cos there's more than that. Now, I reckon the Daleks need these twenty-seven planets for something, but what if it becomes twenty-six? What happens then? Daleks? Would you risk it?
-Journey’s End
5). S4 Rose
S4 Rose is older, more grown-up, and much harder. But she’s still Rose. I love that she didn’t just spend her time in Pete’s World pining or accepting second best. She knew what she wanted and went after it. She built time machines and dimension cannons and went around with a big gun shooting things and looking totally hot. :D
Captain Magambo: Ma’am.
Rose: I’ve told you, don’t solute.
Captain Magambo: Well, if you're not going to tell us your name...
Donna: What, you don’t know either?
Rose: There's too many different realities. Trust me, the wrong word in the wrong place can change an entire causal nexus.
Captain Magambo: And she talks like that.
-Turn Left
Rose: Basically, we've been building this um... this travel machine, this... uh... Dimension Cannon, so I could... well, so I could...
Doctor: What?
Rose: So I could come back! …shut up.
-Journey’s End
Doctor: That’s me when we first met. And you made me better. Now you can do the same for him.
Rose: But he’s not you.
Doctor: He needs you. That’s very me.
-Journey’s End
6). Martha and Rose
I thought it was really cute that Rose got jealous of Martha in The Stolen Earth vidscreen scene-nice reversal on Martha’s S3 jealousy. But I was absolutely delighted when they had that one lovely moment on the Crucible. In my head, Rose and Martha became total BFFs and go underwear shopping together while sipping colourful fruity drinks. Maybe they even stop to save the world - you know, whatever. So feel free to write me this fic. FEEL COMPLETELY FREE.
Rose: She’s good.
Martha: Who’s that?
Rose: My name’s Rose. Rose Tyler.
Martha: Oh my god... he found you.
YAY, HUGS. :D (Pfft, just ignore the Doctor getting in the way because YAY, HUGS :D)
ETA: This is really a big post of YAY and SQUEE for me, so while I normally love discussion, I'd appreciate it if comments focused on how Martha and/or Rose = awesome. :D