Torchwood: 2x05 and 2x06

Feb 15, 2008 00:17

There were a few things I wanted to say about Torchwood.

-Puppy!Owen with glasses? I think I just fell in love with the character. Oh, I'd been interested in him before, but I can't say I ever really liked him. Put him glasses for an episode? Suddenly I'm gooey.

So of course he gets shot and killed in the next episode. I think this probably means that the Montreal Canadiens will go into a slump for the rest of the season, not make the playoffs, and send me into a depressed coma for a week.

-I need Jack to not have, like... deep emotions and stuff anymore. It gives me flashbacks to Jonas Amrstrong saying "my love" in Robin Hood. I get chills! Down my spine!

-BWAH. Am I the only one who thought "Adam" might be a metaphor for "smoking a lot of crack?" Well, it would explain a few things.

-A big "awwww" at the idea of the Doctor getting Martha that job at UNIT. Such a Doctor thing to do.

-I liked Martha, I think! I'm rolling my eyes at her awesome being shoved down our throats, but it was nice to see Jack light up in her presence. WOOOO! DW!Jack. And Martha's happiness does serve as a nice counterweight to Sarah Jane, who spent years pining for the Doctor, and Rose, who didn't get any choice in the matter.

-It also amuses me that Martha and Jack kept going all "mysterious" when it came to how they met each other. "We both traveled under the same Doctor." HA! So very lame! Of course, I then had a vivid image of Jack saying, "We traveled through space and time in a blue box with an alien from Gallifrey" and I understood why he always skipped over those details with the TW team. He doesn't want them to steal his lunch money and make him play on the snowy side of the playground. *pats Jack*

-Jack and Gwen! I think I ship it? But in that Torchwood-y way. This week it might be canon, but next week Jack might be cuddling a big stuffed flopping alien whale.


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