Have finally found time to watch Blackpool (long live the sparkly BBC crack of awesome!), and can only express my total and utter adoration. Admittedly, I can only understand every other word Tennant is saying, mostly because I assume he is using his actual and real Scottish accent, and I’m completely useless as a North American. (Hey, in my defense, I can’t understand a word of English from Newfies either.) But that’s okay.
Interestingly, all those little things I always assumed were strange “Tenth Doctor quirks” actually appear to be strange “David Tennant actor quirks.” Glee!
Obviously, this requires further examination in the form of picspam!
Apparently, Peter Carlisle likes to put things in his mouth. This mostly appears to be food. However, one can broaden the definition to include “whatever is handy.”
ETA: It occurs to me, after much deep thought, that perhaps Peter Carlisle just really, really likes sugar. In which case, the food-in-mouth thing could, possibly, be a character quirk rather than an actor quirk. However, considering Ten's fondness for sticking things in his mouth, I feel the jury's still out on that one.
I think the following is supposed to suggest that he’s working really hard on trying to solve some murder case or some such. However, the specs, combined with oral fixation, lead my thoughts in, uh, other directions.
Peter Carlisle wears a long overcoat, and often sticks his hands in his pockets. Perhaps because he knows it makes him look more intimidating and detector-inspector-y. Or maybe he’s just cold. It’s hard to say.
He also has this strange head-scratching habit, perhaps as an expression of Nervousness or Surprise. It should be noted that the head-scratching is less frequent in Blackpool than it is in Who. This is a little bit tragic. However, it leads me to assume that David Tennant worked hard on perfecting the technique in the interim between the two projects. The fangirls must be catered to, after all.
This is purely gratuitous.
The End