On the Road Again

Aug 28, 2006 08:40

Greetings from Norman, Oklahoma! I got in to Erin's on Friday after about 8+ hours of driving, more construction sites than there needed to be, and one short but intense rainstorm. Since I've been here, we've had some time to catch up, do some shopping, eat fabulous food, and play a one-shot Exalted game I put together last week. I'm really glad I got to come again to see Erin and get to know her OU friends again or in some cases for the first time.

On Wednsday I hit the road again, driving to Rolla, MO (6.5 hours) where I'll spend the night in a hotel before making my way back to Knox on Thursday (5.5 hours, possibly more depending on whether I drive through St. Louis or around it.) Then on September 2nd I take a quick trip up to Megan's to see a play, then come back on the 3rd, at which point I'll be at Knox to stay. It's going to be a very busy/crazy term, and I'm very glad I'm getting this time before it gets started.

Oh, and as for dreams: I can only remember one that I've had sinse leaving home, the one I had night beofre last. In the dream, I was at a zoo with Erin and the zookeeper. We were trying to save this orangutan. Apparently, all the animals were disappearing one by one, and the orangutan was one of the last ones there. The gate to the zoo was locked, but luckily I had a pouch of magic seeds that instantly grew trees wherever I planted one. I made a line of trees that I figured we could swing between to get to the top of the gate and escape. I woke up right around this point, but I have faith that we escaped. :)
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