
Jan 29, 2008 19:47

I want to record large swatches of my life with a video camera, because I think I'm leading a very interesting life and I think that if'n when I die, if anything amazing happens to me over the course of my life, or if I commit a crime or anything, absolute justice can be rendered. I think humans can maybe some day record and judge each other unwaveringly and justly as potentially outstanding beings capable of anything at all. For all of the terrible people in the world have similar psychological backgrounds, and all of the geniuses as well. All serious crime would stop dead in its tracks, I think, if everyone brought their children up with cameras on their heads, if police could be called whenever the camera stops working, then all crimes and misfortunes could be averted within four generations. This is all assuming that technology, in the span of four generations, would be able to develop computers powerful enough to sift through the important life events.

The advantages to the human species and the entire galaxy (for real) in terms of life advancing in a grand scale over billions of years of having a perfectly accurate record of history, as if the entire population of humans on the Earth could simulate a gigantic brain, this would give us a perfect memory. We could gain a higher consciousness of the universe by recording and analyzing everything, especially ourselves. One thing religions and science would never disagree about: we and things like us are very, very important in the universe. Perhaps we (things that are self-aware and self-motivated) are the only truly important things in the Universe or even Multiverse. To develop an entirely transparent culture may be the most necessary thing for us to do. Right now humanity is in serious pain, mostly starving and running so far below its potential that it is barely there in terms of the history of even its own planet. It could be so much better for everyone if we really had any control in where we go as a species.
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