Man, this writing is awesome...

Nov 13, 2005 00:19

Now for those of you who know me, know that I don't do much reading, but my parents got me a Warcraft book recently, and I can't sing enough praises of the descriptive words the author uses to describe all the combat scenes in the book. (This is the last book in the series... I haven't read the previous titles yet... but basically the whole book is a giant all-out battle) As a result I figured I'd share a small excerpt from pages 285 and 286 of Warcraft: War of the Ancients - Book Three: The Sundering

"The dragon caught hold of the shadow bat. The two struggled, upsetting the night elf's aim. Instead of impaling Brox, he caught the orc at the shoulder. Brox growled as the barbed head tore a thick piece of flesh from the spot. Despite the pain, he managed to lean forward and chop the lance in two.

With a curse, the soldier drew his sword. However, Brox, throwing caution to the wind, rose from his seat and leapt at his opponent.

He landed in a crouching position, gripping one of the bat's ears for support. The outrageous act so startled the night elf that he sat openmouthed as, with one hand, the orc buried his ax in his foe's armored chest. The soldier collapsed, tumbling off the back of his mount."

That's just one battle out of many in the book, and they're all equally as graphically detailed. I've never heard of Richard A. Knaak before this book, but my compliments to his writing style.
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