An open letter to Wendys,

Jun 16, 2006 15:05

Dear Wendys,

I had a thought the other day. Since the giant picture of your chicken sandwich has a tomato in it, it would be awesome if you actually put tomatoes in them. Thanks. Also, if you're going to charge me two dollars for a thing of brunt, nasty fries, can you give me a packet of ketchup? Just a packet. I need to smother the taste of fries that have been in the oil for five hours. And so long as i'm at it, can we change the name of you sizes to something normal? I know it's big, you don't have to call it Biggie and Great Biggie and Great Great Biggie. When i order a large your drive through person gets confused and gives me a medium. Of burnt fries. With no ketchup. In fact, between this and the no tomato in the sandwich, i dare say that you have something against tomatoes.

In conclusion, Wendys, you suck.

Thank you.
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