(no subject)

May 03, 2011 07:00

It's been awhile since I've posted, but I suppose that's nothing new.

Since I posted last, Chris started receiving an additional check and subsequently bought a new TV and fixed his computer. It's certainly been nice but I still have California on my mind, and am trying to curb his need to buy things. I also acquired a laptop, but that was through his brother. It runs Windows 2000 and is from 2003 so it's nothing fancy but it actually works better than my younger Dell desktop. Now I pretty much sit out in the living room on it and watch whatever is playing on the TV.

I've also started playing some video games I hadn't touched before, since now I can actually see what's on the screen and read the captions. Mirror's Edge was one of the ones that was impossible to play on the old TV, because I couldn't see where I was going. Chris bought me the game Limbo as an early birthday present, since he said I'm very hit or miss when it comes to games I'll like, so he was more than willing to get a game I specifically asked for. I've played a bit of it and so far it's fun but surprisingly hard. It's simplistic in that it's a side scroller and it only utilises the A and B buttons, but there are still puzzles to solve and timing you have to get down perfectly.

All in all, I'm pretty happy. I have an interview for a position at Ruby Tuesday's tomorrow, since I have a friend who has worked there for the past 3 years, and he says he thinks I have it pretty much in the bag. I still plan to work at Wendy's unless RT offers me good money to work like full time or something. I'm just already getting tired of Wendy's bullshit, what with paying me minimum wage and making me practically beg for hours. We've lost 3 employees within the past few weeks and I was able to get some additional shifts from one guy who suddenly stopped coming in (we found out a few days later he went to jail), but other than that they've just been hiring new people and I don't understand that. They don't offer any full-time benefits so how does it hurt them to give existing, already trained employees the hours they need covered, since we wouldn't be getting paid extra or get anything extra at all except the additional hours.

I'm hoping since I showed my absolute willingness to cover the shifts of jail guy that he'll see I'm willing to work the hours. With my shifts and the other guys shifts, I ended up working and closing 6 nights in a row, now with two days off (yesterday and today) and then I close again tomorrow. I haven't seen the schedule for next week but I hope it's decent. I just want to work, make and save money, and get the fuck out of Nebraska. I have a friend here who is super butthurt about that and doesn't like me evening mentioning California at all, and that shit pisses me off. It's one thing to be sad about someone moving, it's another to be a bitch about it. She lives about 45 minutes from where she grew up and has never lived any further, so it's just not something I feel she has any say on. It sucks on my end too to have to leave friends, and I've already done it once, but we're all adults and we live in the era of the internet.

Blah blah blah. Anyway. I have been thinking about what I'd like to do for my birthday and I think I'd like to go to the vegetarian restaurant McFoster's. Mainly because they have awesome food, but also because it's such a me thing to do and whoever I invite will probably be begrudging about it. Mwahahaa. I don't know, though, I haven't done anything for my birthday in a long while. Even on my 21st I just went to a bar I'd been to before I was 21, with Chris and Lisa, and then we went to the casino. It was pretty boring as far as 21st's go, but I still had a good time. Part of my anti-birthdayism is that I'm afraid no one will show up. Having moved here with no previous friends except one, who I'm no longer friends with, I have a very small group of actual friends, and a medium sized group of people I consider 'work friends'.  I said friends a lot in that sentence. But when it comes to a birthday, I just don't know. Especially being an adult and all your friends work and it's hard enough making a time and day that everyone is available.

After my 13th birthday when hardly anyone showed up since mostly everyone was out of town for Memorial Day weekend, I was pretty reluctant to celebrate. My 16th birthday my mom and friends arranged a surprise party, with me being tricked to come into the room it was being held in by my older sister telling me there were kittens in there.

Long story short, I don't want to host a party because I'm afraid it will be lame and boring. So, in conclusion I have no idea what I'm doing for my birthday, but it will most likely be nothing like it's been the last two.
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