Furthermore, the percentage of individuals having a rSBA of ≥ 1:8 had fallen from 92% 4-6 weeks after vaccinations to 57% 6 months after immunization with Menjugate®, with the corresponding 4-6 week and 6 month data being 91% and 75% for Meningitec™ and 100% and 86% for NeisVac-C®.
Menjugate is the vaccine used in Canada. These are all for meningitis group C. I can't believe how poor these results are, it is hardly even worth vaccinating when you consider how low the chance is of getting it at all.
http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/09vol35/acs-dcc-3/index-eng.php It's better than nothing but disappointing that the vaccine is only effective, it would appear, for a year or so. This is for toddlers and children, the effectiveness for older kids is much higher and lasts around 5 yrs.