epic photo postings

Sep 24, 2009 02:36

maybe it's the whole not-working thing, but i'm feeling quite lazy, and this is the result of it. instead of a well-thought out, articulately written post about my experiences, i'm just going to post a whole lot of pictures. and since each picture is worth a thousand words, in the end, it'll be like i wrote a god damned novel.

this past weekend, myself and a whole bunch of others went out to olympia, washington to witness our boy chas get married. in all seriousness, it was a beautiful wedding. and i have a ton of pictures to prove it. in fact, 313 posted images is probably the most i've done, and i'm obviously not going to subject you to every single one of them, but i'm going to tag up my favorites.

s's, soju, koreans, drunkards, evidence that johnny kim is alive. i hope you have high speed connection.'>so where to begin:

olympia is a beautiful place, much like my high opinion of the city of seattle.

we did our fair share of gambling at indian casinos, and i was pleasantly surprised at their drawing power to get such high-class acts to perform at their establishments that are accessible only by canoes, moccasin and/or hiking.

here's the only black man in the city of olympia shanking me in front of shanks for stealing the REO speedwagon poster from the redcorn casino.

the wedding party while the rest of us play blackjack and i lose two 6's from my beloved ellis island deck, while biggie pounds the jagermeister c>s

saw this in the parking lot of the other indian casino we went to. wasn't sure if it was appropriate to lol, but lol'd anyways.

my brother and i preparing for the wedding, the best way that all weddings are prepared for, even if it is your own.

people looking all clean and dapper, instead of the slovenly sloths we tend to look like otherwise. and holy shit, photographic evidence that johnny kim still lives!

kat in a dress, lee in something not a sleeveless t-shirt, and alex not wearing combat boots. classy.

korean brothers always look out for the others; this is where johnny and i make sure chuck doesn't run

is it obvious which room is ours?

the newly wed couple GTFOing

i didn't really drink back when johnny kim lived in north america, but how that has changed, i made it a point to drink with my korean brother.

there was this huge cliff just steps away from where the ceremony and the reception took place. this is andy after one too many gay jokes.

when the sun went down, things got ugly real fast, but in a fun sort of way. arex's face in this one is priceless.

it wouldn't have been half the drunken party it turned out to be without the high volume soju that johnny had smuggled into the united states with him.

but it was this 45% ceremonial distilled soju that really fucked everyone up. especially me. mostly me, apparently, as nobody else seemed to be hung over the next morning.

and no drunken party is complete without obligatory boobs. c>s

on the way up to seattle, i saw this mexican-ish mural OF a vehicle ON itself, and the epic part is that it was completely continuous.

firearms prohibited - my brother and i found this shanty little casino in the middle of ghetto suburbia, and when we walked in, it was like a scene out of a tarantino flick - smoky, sun cascading in where it normally hasn't been in a while, a security guard standing up abruptly, with peanut shells crashing everywhere, and a "casino" that consisted of like five tables, with a shady staff working, and a guy that looked like danny trejo and induku who couldn't add 5+7, playing spanish 21. well worth the $20 for the story i could tell of his little shithole.

the gang, for one last meal before the newlyweds jetted off to hawaii, the johnny kim to toronto, and the rest of us, for one more night in washington before we went back to our respective homes out east.

more quality performers from yet another indian casino also gambled at, on the way back to olympia from seattle.

while stuck at sea-tac during the 10 hour rain/mechanical/crew hospitalizations, one happy moment that actually came out of purgatory was that i got to meet and hang out with santa claus for a little bit. eventually we even made the same flight back. this guy legitimately gave me a candy cane and a business card that actually said "santa claus." word, bitches.

travel woes aside, the trip was fun. as always, the rest of my pictures, as well as slightly better detailed writing is reserved for the personal site.
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