Jun 09, 2005 15:20
Well sorry I havent been updating much lately. I've been really busy studying. Im studying anatomy- I cant believe what a massive subject it is! Anyway this is just to say that I'm still alive, only just. I'm finding it really hard to study at home( I came to Malta a couple of weeks ago, I had to sign some things for the scholarship I got). I was finding it hard to study anyway in Perugia cos for one the weather is just lovely, and 2 I'm just fed up with studying this year, its been one exam after the other, with no break at all. Now I just have 2 exams left- Anatomy next week( 16 June) and Physiology on the 7th July. I have my flight booked back on the 9th July. Hopefully after that I'll be staying til October, but I'm not getting my hopes up, cos the Physiology teacher has got it into her head that if we study her subject in the 3 weeks between anatomy and her exam, we wont study well, and basically we'll just forget the stuff as soon as the exam's over, so she suggests studying all summer( yea right!!!) and comin in September to do it. Yea sure!!!Anyway that ones gonna be a bit of a gamble, cos I aint got enough time to study it, and I cant be bothered with studying in this weather, plus she expects very detailed stuff, so we'll just see. I really dont want to have to come up in September, cos chances are I wont be able to come back down and I dont want to spend another birthday in Perugia! Last one was depressing enough for me!
I'm going back to Perugia on Monday, hopefully I'll be able to finish by then, and then I need to do a LOT of revision cos its a VERY vast subject! I'm off to do the intestines- What fun!