GB's is the best!

Oct 20, 2006 14:05

Your friends, goldlizard, made for an interesting party:

attilia_auborne dressed as a cup of tea.
brownridercat dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Cecelia.
el_mcgruffle dressed as Barbra Streisand.
fishp_angel dressed as the Marquis of Cangran.
inkytwist dressed as Warren G. Harding.
juggerneko forgot to put on clothes!
ladylime49 dressed as the Viscount of Black Oak.
lynerwi dressed as a new superhero: Scarab Nimbus.
pernwebgoddess dressed as Franklin Pierce.
rodeomom gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the main character of "Reservoir Dogs".
shadynights dressed as Madonna.
silvernoone dressed as your uncle, and it suited them disturbingly well.
spellwight dressed as a raccoon.
szara dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Gidget Pottyhiney".
vendragnborn dressed as a nature.

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