(no subject)

May 29, 2006 00:26

Got back from Vegas earlier.  It was fun. Hung out with Michelle. Et cetera.  Can't move me knees.  I think I have arthritis, how pathetic is that?

All righty, pleasantries over. I'm, eh, physically exhausted, but my brain seems to have decided that it is not sleeptime yet.   Tagged by Andy, so uh...


10 years ago:
-God, I was what, six?  I was like, super-nerd then. No glasses yet, I think.  Best friend was Sasha Engelmann (how weird is that?!)  Had to do "country reports" once a month because I was too smart.  That sounded jerky. But no. That was just why.  I read a lot, mostly Enid Blyton (British author), but didn't do much else.  I was sort of boring.

5 years ago:
-11 years old?  16-5 yes okay 11, that's sixth grade.  I was contemplating going to Walter Reed but that never panned out, I'm not quite sure why.  I still read a lot, with ambitions high and mighty of writing a book.  I still have the "manuscript," in a spiral-bound notebook.  I remember the plot, which was pretty crappy.  But some of the elements were, I think, interesting and pretty unique.  
Yucky teacher Ms. Aidikoff and her damn art projects that I sucked at.

1 year ago:
-Hmm...I guess last year was more laid back than this year, but I find that the more I have to do, the better I manage everything.  And with basically nothing to do last year, only two APs and no extracurriculars made me pretty lazy.  And it was musical-time, which oh crap means that this time last year was the whole Ian-thing.  It makes me laugh to think about it now.  Being friends with people you didn't expect to be friends with is nice.

-I was in Vegas!  Riding roller coasters and eating way too much.  Not at the same time, of course, because that makes no sense.

5 Songs I Know All the Words To:
See, this question is supposed to oh-so-subtly reveal your music tastes. But I refuse to comply!  I know all the words to a whole lot of songs.  I like to look up lyrics online and sing along a million times until I memorize them.  Not for all songs! But for a lot, like those in languages I don't know.  Like Dragostea Din Tei, in Romanian, and a bunch of the t.a.t.u. songs in russian and a bunch of hindi music and stuff. 
Yeesh, my music tastes are kind of embarassing.  I'm cooler than that, I promise!  That's not all I listen to!

5 Things I Would Do With a Million Dollars:
Oh boy.  A million dollars is a heckuva lot:
-books and music.  Same stuff everyone else puts.  But I so would.
-I guess I'd give as much as necessary to family members but I highly doubt anyone in my extended family would take free money like that.  I sure wouldn't.  Where did this million dollars come from anyway, hmmm?  I hope it isn't stolen.  Or counterfeit.  OMG, how cool slash ugly are those anti-counterfeit ten-dollar bills?  They have really neato features, but that orange color makes it look like someone spilled Hi-C all over them at the mint.
-I would definitely buy just plain ol' STUFF for myself.  What can I say, I like clotheshatsbeltsshoesNOTPURSESmakeup.
-And, duh, I would definitely give the majority of it to a charity.  I have a whole lifetime to earn myself a living.  They don't.

5 Places I would Run Away To:
HAH, do I seem like the kind of person who would run away?  I can't even ask the pizza place counter for a take-away box.  Okay, so I can, but I asked my brother to ask for me today.  He's 12.  Point is, I am not the most independent of people.  But this is all hypothetical, right?  Pretty places?
-India, where the fambly is
-San Francisco
-Egypt !!!

5 favorite movies:
Again, embarassment.  I am not, how do you say...high brow.
-Bend it Like Beckham
-Legally Blonde

Speakin' of movies, I recently saw Good Night and Good Luck.  Not a favorite, but definitely very interesting.  I meant to make a post about it but I forgot what I was going to say and never got around to it.

5 bad habits:
-my temper.  I have trouble controlling it, especially when I'm hungry and/or tired.  When it gets out of hand, it can be reeeeeally bad.  Hasn't happened at school for a while, though I have had some outbursts.
-It's not bad, but kind of weird.  I like to type what I hear or read, in the air or on my leg.  Also I sometimes describe what people say or do with adverbs, in the same way I would write dialogue for a story.  It's a really fun thing to do, but I guess it's not a bad habit.
-eat too much junk food/don't exercise enough.  reeeeally don't want to talk about this one.
-Defensiveness.  Whininess.  I get really loud and intense sometimes, which I try to control but I get very into what I'm talking about.  Judgementalness.  Disliking people pretty much automatically when I meet them.  Awkwardness in social situations.
-that was more than five.

5 biggest joys:
-Good books/music (they're both art, get over it)
-Family, my brother
-The world.  History.  The fact that people exist.  This sounds totally cheesy, but just the fact that there are millions of lives going on around me, without me, amazes me.  It should be kind of depressing, but it's really not.
-is it bad that i really like my face?
-my friends! and everything that goes along with them.

That was a lot of fun.  Some people say memes are stupid, but I definitely disagree.  They kind of open up a passage of thought for you to...reveal yourself without feeling like a random crazy person.  It's like, hello World of Livejournal, this is me!  I don't know if anybody read this, but I really really like reading other people's answers to these things.

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