Apr 25, 2006 20:26
The trouble with setting high standards is that they are nearly impossible to surpass. So when they are met, it feels...ordinary. Satisfying, yes; but there is no sense of overwhelming pride that comes when you exceed a goal. And it makes me kind of angry with myself because I feel like I SHOULD be proud, like some of my friends are of me, but *mostly* I just smile wanly and feel like its nothing particularly special.
Is it weird that I like things better if they're really hard for me? Because then it's just so much easier to feel pride when I succeed. Even though the amount of effort is pretty nearly the same. I'm not quite sure what the difference is though.
Total: 2350
Reading: 800
Writing 790
Math: 760
I'm really glad they're over with though. Not having the specter of waiting for those stupid scores looming over my head has made me far more relaxed, especially about APs. I feel really balanced right about now, not frenzied or exhausted like I was before. I didn't even know the waiting was bothering me but then once I found out, it was like I could finally study clearly. Oh, that subconscious...it's so devilish...
On May 8, after school, (that would be after the AP bio exam), I'm going to go the store, buy junk food (pie? chocolate?) and then go the library and get about a kajillion books. And then I'm going to come home and consume them post-haste. For several hours.
What are y'alls plans for after APs? Unless you're a senior, because ...i'm sure you aren't like, super stressed because yours don't matter that much. Do they?
Also: to anyone who was in AP US or AP Bio last year. What do we do after the AP test? Neither teacher will answer, and I'm just so curious. So, enlightenment please.
And to anyone who had Mrs. Gilbert last year: what books did you have for your Big Mama? And that one is just curiosity.
I think I need something better to do than schoolwork. This whole stupid entry was about school. Just two more weeks....that's what I keep telling myself. And then life will be fun. Well, ish.
Back to DBQ'ing!