Title: 5 Star Chick (Two Bit Score)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Alex/Lisa. (All Time Low +)
Word Count: 5167. I don’t even.
Disclaimer: A fictional tale about a fictional tale.
Notes: This is for
thirdonebetween because she is the best. This piece is also set in a universe she created and hasn’t posted yet, so for the rest of you it won’t make a lot of
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I like to think that in real life, in general, Jack Barakat does not treat girls like girls. He wouldn't mean anything by it, but he would just absolutely horse around with his girl friends the same way he does with his boys. And he's absolutely not the kind of kid to punk out and change his tune when it comes to sex. If he's rough with Lisa every day, he's going to be just as rough with her when he's fucking her. And Lisa vastly appreciates this.
The high-five!!! Hahaha. Probably MY favorite part, because it's absolutely something Jack and Alex would want to do no matter who they found themselves in this position with, but I think they're only comfortable enough to actually do it because it's Lisa, and she's their friend, and she already knows they're lamers so she won't judge. Hee.
Dude, before I even thought anything out for this, I decided Jack was going to fuck Lisa. He's put in the hours, okay? The YEARS. He definitely earned the right to hit that first. But oh my god, I found that I had the converse version of The Alex Problem when actually writing it. Whereas he is usually the hardest person in the world to pin down for the makeouts and sexing, he was all ABOUT it with Lisa. I was writing it, and looking down at my hands, and shrieking ALEX ALEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP THAT, THAT'S JACK'S, BACK YOU BEAST! And like .. man. As much as I would really appreciate the idea of Alex fucking Lisa? JACK doing it .. fuck. That blows my mind. I think mostly because the thought of Jack fucking anyone is just .. HIS COLLARBONES, you know? HIS FACE. His .. just, HIM. But also, LISA. I don't know how I didn't die, just writing this.
I think they both decided to fit themselves in around Alex when they were falling asleep because .. even though the guys ask Lisa if she's okay, it's absolutely Alex whose most likely to freak. They ask her out of some weird sense of chivalry that they must have found under Flyzik's bed or something, because it definitely wasn't there two minutes ago when they both had their dick in her, but still. It's a nice gesture. Thankfully, nobody freaks because they're all pretty solid human beings by this point, they've spend enough time around one another to have that awesome kind of level of trust where pretty much nothing that happens could break it. And when the event in question is great sex, it's probably just going to strengthen it. The correct priorities in life - Jack and Alex and Lisa have them!!! \o/
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