App Post~!

Jun 17, 2006 16:42

Character: Sena Kobayakawa
Series: Eyeshield 21
Character Age: 15
Canon: Sena is a weak, shy, timid, submissive, pansy of a boy. It takes little to intimidate him, freak him out, or frighten him. Because of this, he has spent his life being stepped on, ordered about by others, and running all sorts of errands for bullies. Even those who care about him (i.e. Mamori/Mamori-neesan) inadvertantly push him around by being overprotective. Still, Sena's heart is in the right place. He hates to let his friends down and will stand up for them, no matter how afraid he is (though he sometimes needs a little bit of time to summon up the courage first).

However! There is another side to Sena. Granted with a gift of INSANE speed and agility, Sena is Eyeshield 21, the star player of Deimon High's American football team, the Devil Bats. To keep him a secret, he wears a helmet with a dark green eyeshield that hides his face (hence the name), and only a few members of his team know the truth. Due to another posing as Eyeshield 21 on occasion, Sena's secret identity is supposedly a complete badass which could be no further from the truth of sweet and skiddish Sena.

When Hiruma said the whole team was being sent off to football camp for training, I tried to tell him that I had a big math test that I just couldn't miss and that it was really important to my grade, but then he gave me that look and as punishment for protesting, I now have to find my way to camp on my own! I don't know why I'm still here. I should have turned around and tried to find my way back home ages ago. But he's probably waiting for me there. ...I just hope he wasn't serious when he said, "What doesn't kill you makes stronger." I mean, it was probably just a joke. Hahaha! Yeah, that's right! I bet this is all a big joke and the team is waiting for me just around these trees. Oh, what a bunch of jok-- ...what was that sound?

I b-bet it was just a rabbit. Just a cute little rabbit. There are lots of animals in the woods. There's that sound again! I-I-It's just the ambient sounds of nature. It's very... natural. They don't make all those nature sounds CDs for nothing, after all.


Okay, okay. I can handle this. I'm just going to think of this as more practice. Running practice. Running away from unseen-things-in-the-dark practice...

...No! I need to pull myself together. Eyeshield 21 wouldn't be scared of these woods. Eyeshield 21 would run circles around anything that could be in here! Like... like that bush! Hah ha! Take that bush! Aren't so big and bushy now are we, bush? Oh, so you thought you could outrun me, eh bush? I bet you couldn't even outrun that purple gori-!


Can't run a-anymore! Have seen unspeakable t-t-terror. Everywhere. IT'S EVERYWHERE!! Chest is... burning-! I'm-I'm-I'm going to die here, in these woods. Someday, someone will find my bones and say, "There! Those are the legendary leg bones of Eyeshield 21! The man with the golden legs! Let's see if some football nut will buy them!" Oh! Mamori-neesan! I'm sorry that I couldn't become a better man...!

W-wait. What's that? Are... those campers?! They're walking kind of funny. Maybe they're... dancing? I bet someone sent them to look for me, and they're dancing because they're so happy that they found me! Hey! HEY! I'm over here!! You can stop dancing now! ...Excuse me? What did you just say? You want some graaaaaaainssss...? Oh, my mistake. You meant "braaaaaaainssss"...


I really am going to die here.


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