An update of sorts

Jan 13, 2007 17:47

Ok so i'm finally making changes to my life,
i'm starting a counselling course and hopefully if all goes well i will be a qualified cousellor in the next five to six years.

i'm also applying for grade F jobs in work which will hopefully get me off the factory floor.

after consideration and an introduction day i've decided not to become a samaritans vollunteer. as much as i would love to do it i dont think i'll have enough time this year to do it. its a worthwhile thing, somaybe i'll do it at a later date

we have more then £1000 saved for the wedding so i can start booking things in a few months ready for the big day next year. i hope those who want to come are saving their pennys too!

My knee is healing after my fall on new years eve (i got drunk, dressed like a pirate with BIG boots, decided to run down a hill and then fell over!!!)

We're hoping to have some weekends away this year instead of a holiday, maybe visit barnstaple, liverpool, cardiff and leeds and stay with familly and friends.

Being a Vegeterian is still going great, i havent eaten any meat for nearly four months and i hardly ever get tempted to eat meat,even over christmas! makes me feel so good!! lol

going to a party tonight but wont be drinking much coz i'm abit skint!

also i'm really tempted to buy another fish tank, even if its a small cold water one, i love fishys! maybe later on!

oh, and derren brown is coming to plymouth! buy tickets!
and i cant wait for my chemical romance, they're gonna be like so radical! woot!!
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