Hey! I'm back! I've written some Heroes fic, but I'm still in the re-reading, re-writing phase. With any luck I'll post it tomorrow. I turned 24 last Wednesday. I am now in my mid-twenties. Oddness! I didn't get the Gold Medal (came second *Grumble, grumble*), but I'm giving the invocation at convocation (which is pleasantly god-free, thus eliminating any need for re-writes, making my life significantly easier. :) ). But anyway, rambling aside... Okay, I don't have much to do but ramble. I will post that Heroes fic soon, too.
Oh! Right! Brainwave: everyone on the planet has to see "Hot Fuzz". It is quite possibly the funniest movie I've seen in years. My opinion of it may have been artificially inflated by the fact that when I saw it I was still slightly out of it from my thesis completion and hadn't seen a film since probably around January, but even with all that, I'm pretty sure it was still awesome.
Also, random minor picspam, because why not.
Me and various people at my birthday (visible in this picture are Rachel in the left foreground, me in the right foreground, Jessie right behind me and David behind Rachel. Danny is next to Jessie, but has cunningly hidden behind my giant head. I should have done a proper group shot, but didn't, and so this is the closest there is. ;p)
Kubla Khan! He will bring your destruction through cute! Also, he totally got a bunch of burrs in his fur lying in that patch. His expression is one of "I just know you're going to insist on combing these out later."