Grading and tests and sociology, oh my!

Dec 15, 2006 12:50

Yup, I'm in the thick of it. I finished my bloody sociology a day early (yesterday), just so that I could get that crap over with. Part of the assignment, to my great and vengeful glee, was to comment on the group assignment. It was pleasant - I told him almost exactly what I thought of it (telling him exactly what I thought of it would have involved more swearing than seemed prudent). But at any rate, the class is done, and in all likelihood I'll get my A - most of what I got out of that class was that I think sociology is complete crap, unless it's being taught by Claudia (but I think she leans more to empirical sociology, anyway - the theories we studied in this class were jst so bloody pointless. Seriously - I spent the entire class just staring at this crap and saying to myself, "But what the hell does it predict? What good does it do?"). Anyway - /Rant.

I'm in the middle of my marking now, and I hope to finish it by Tuesday (well, I should definitely be finished by Tuesday, because that's the day Trudy's going up to Calgary, and she'll need them to record the grades). No worries - I'll mark 20 today, then 13 tomorrow if I can, and then the remaining 10 on Sunday (unless that plan fails, in which case I'll do the significantly less virtuous, but much more realistic 10-10-10-13). And then I can prepare for my Spanish on Wednesday! I've started weirding out telemarketers by answering the phone in Spanish (unfortunately also weirded out the Sears guy who was coming to fix our washer, but he's very nice and didn't really mind - besides, I assumed he was a telemarketer when he referred to my Mum as "Linda" and my Dad as "Byron" o.O). Right, I need to get back to my marking (also to preparations for the Solstice party on Saturday - this is one of the reasons the plan to mark 13 tomorrow might be problematic... No worries!). Okay, back to the marking!
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