May 05, 2006 15:26
I thought it would be a nice day to take Rudy for a walk to Ferry Lake. So we went. Was nice and quiet until i started walking towards the board walk.
Their were 2 mothers with their 2 strollers and their other 3 children on their bikes. All the sudden we hear screaming and crying. One of the mothers ditches the stroller and goes running. The other mother says "oh no did she fall in?" i said, "i dont think so she looks like shes still on the board walk..o never mind the bike is off the board walk in the muddy stream".
We finally reached them as the little girl is standing their crying to her mommy covered in mud and holding her sores. Another lady with her 3month old baby in a 3 wheel stroller comes up and says to one of the little boys "want me to help u with that bike their?" he says, "ya my sister did that shes not very happy" and as she let go of her 3month old in the stroll and bends over to pick the bike out of the mud river, the stroller just keeps going, Rudy is off the board walk having a mud bath, the little girl is still crying, the mothers are just having a freak out and as in slow motion i watched being just a little too far away in time to..BOOM! the 3 month old goes flying over the board walk strapped into his stoller face down in the river of mud crying, choaking and eating in the mud stream. The mother drops the bike as we go running over to fish out her baby who is just covered in mud. Mud on his jumper, on his face up his nose, in his mouth, in his stroller.
The mothers, kids and all 3 babys are crying and having the biggest freak out("o my god! who has towles?! I do in the stoller! is he alright?! is she alright?! what happend here?! are u ok?!! Im sorry, no im sorry!) as I slowly, but cautously, creep away from the chaos of this female estrogen party.
Atleast Rudy had a good time.
Now im covered in mud, as is the dog, the car, the crying kids, babys and mothers.
So, nice day for a walk!? I think not! -_-;