(Ecce Homo - wood - 16th century)
This is the "Ecce Homo" of the "Basilica di Santa Maria di Loreto", the Church I always quoted in the past entries and surely I'll quote in the next entries. Good Friday gives to me the opportunity to start a description of this Basilica, today only some photos, some Lent-photos of this beautiful and old Church (14th century). It was the temple where I attended since I was 6 as organist. This Church remains deeply in my heart (my choir is named "Schola Cantorum Lauretana", where "Lauretana" means "of Maria di Loreto". It is dedicated to Our Lady of Loreto, the "Family's Mother" and the principal icon present in this Church represents the Madonna di Loreto). The history and other photos about this Church in the next days.
(The Major altar with the pale of Our Lady Of Loreto - 15th century)
(The '700's Cross)
(Another point of view of the major altar with the second altar dedicated to Our Lady of Pompei - 16th century))
(The altar of Our Lady of Sorrows - 18th century)