St. John at Buonopane (Ischia)

Feb 25, 2008 01:20

The St. John's Church at Buonopane, a small and montane village of Ischia. The ancient documents of the parish-archive tell the date of foundation: 1535, during the protectorate of the Bishop Pastineo. But other fonts describe a more ancient date, about the XIV c., by the wish of the Cossa family (the family of Baldassarre Cossa, well-known as Pope John XXIII - b.Ischia 1370 +Firenze 1419).

Pope John XXIII

Pope John XXIII's funeral monument - Florence - Baptistere

The oil painting of St. John above the altar is an original, 1620, by Massimo Stanzione, painted with a technique like the Battistello's. It was a gift of Dom Mattia Baldino, parish-priest of St. John, and his family who were the owners of the artwork, 1886.


It's a folk dance that has had its roots lost during the past centuries. According to several fonts it has both Greek and Spanish origins (in Spain a lot of villages, the day of St. John, have a similar dance). Other countries where we can find the same dance are Egypt, Sudan and Poland.

However, there are several assumptions about the origin of the dance. One of these tells the dance is a representation of a feud between the inhabitants of Buonopane and Barano. This is documented by a manuscript found in the St. John''s parish-archive. Only during the XVI c. a bishop of Ischia conciliated the war and remembering this episode every Monday after Easter (the Monday "in albis"), the population of Buonopane dances the "'ndrezzata". The St. John's day, June 24., is a patronal feast and the folk group of Buonopane dances the 'ndrezzata, too, and other old and traditional dances of Ischia.

As requested by forioscribe, that's all I've found about the Church and the "'ndrezzata".

request, tradition, history, ischia, church, news, life

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