Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 August 2017
Mattcon. Besides the aforementioned friends, Gary Akins and a few other acquaintances turned up for the weekend. This annual gathering at Matt McCullar’s place was nicknamed Mattcon a few years back. We’re up to #7 this year. It involved a lot of food, conversation, food, games, food, strange drinks, and food.
Monday 28 & Tuesday 29 August 2017
Still at Matt’s place. Frankly I have forgotten the order of how we did things. Some places we went were on the weekend but it’s not critical. Frankly I have forgotten the order of how we did things. In no particular order, we went on our annual pilgrimage to Fry’s Electronics in Arlington, Forever Young records for CDs and vinyl, an enormous grocery store, World Market, Best Buy for some elusive DVDs, Barnes & Noble for “The Art of My Little Pony” - The Movie, and an Italian restaurant for dinner during which it absolutely bucketed rain for a while. Gary had ordered a special T-shirt for me to wear next weekend at a certain event. Naturally I had to show how elegant I scrub up and modelled for Matt when it turned up. Don’t know why I totally forgot to take any photos all four days. Already looking forward to coming back next year!
Distance travelled = zero (I wasn’t doing the driving!) except for a repeat trip to Fry’s to return a DSL modem that did not solve Matt’s poor internet problem like we hoped. I’ll add those miles on at the end of the trip report since we didn’t really go away.