Hello again, where have I been?

Feb 11, 2006 21:36

Hi all,
I have officially melted into the aninimity of a quiet and slightly boring (from the outside, it sounds boring, it FEELS relaxing) life. And I like it. Lately, I have hardly been going out, or doing much exciting as i was want to do for the last year at least 3 nights a week, even if it was only for a drink with friends, or a lot of drinks with a lot of friends. Lately it has been more nights at home, relaxing and spending tons of time with the boy. I'm much more relaxed and calm of late, and have a definate, it will get done but no need to stress attitude. Where the hell did that come from??? my usual painiced sense of how the hell am i going to do this that grad school has inspired of me has retreated again into my much more normal life i used to have. oh, dont get me wrong, i still have nights where sleep is a luxury, and days where i froget what food is, but they are much fewer and farther between. went to a james bond themed casino party fundraiser the other night with the boy, had a blast. i didnt want to go as a scantily dressed bond girl, cause well, they are all 6'10. with blonde hair, blue eyes and a size negative 5 waist, and i am none of those things. so.... i did what every bond girl does on screen at some point, i showed up in a white robe with slicked back wet hair, black heels, perfect makeup and lots of diamonds. i have pictures i need to get developed, and i will try to post them once i get them developed, although i havent had much luck with posting pictures on here.... sigh. the boy went as emilio largo, in a suit, and i sprayed his hair gray, with a gold studded eye-patch and all. it was awesome. and i had a great time. we also had a recent super bowl party featuring 3 televisions, tons of food, over 250 beers, tons of crazy theatre people, dropped pants, and drinking games based on the number of football players featured who had nothing to do with the two teams competing. in other news, i would like to state for the record, that people should return phone calls. in the last two weeks, i have called about 15 people that i have not talked to in ages, and have recieved one phone call in return. how lame is that? busy? I know busy. i understand busy. NO ONE is THAT busy. i feel unloved, and that is not cool. damnit. so there.
classes are going full stop and mostly not kicking my ass. which is a nice change of events. this is my last semester of scenic design class, adn as much as i have learned, adn continue to learn, i cannot wait for it to be over. spending 7-12 hours preparing for one class every week gets to be a bit of a taxation on ones soul after a while. i have no idea what i am going to do for spring break right now. there is some brewing aobut me going to mississippi for it with the boy, but i doitn know if that is going to pan out, and there has been a bit of talk about road tripping out to SC in the MB area. hey Liz, Jen, any and all of you still in that area that read this, are you going to be there mid march? could i crash on your couch with a friend i drag along? we can couch hop. :) anyway, in other news, my thesis is shaping up to be a large pain in my ass, asn i think i am going to just be happy when its over. i am also going back to Utah for the summer for sure, my contract is in the mail, i got an almost $250 raise and the evil bitch that i had to work with last summer is not coming back (which was one of the conditions for the acceptance of the contract they offered me. that's how much i hated working with her. insert long tirade about people who cant be trusted, cannot do their job, think they are the best thing since sliced bread and are psychopaths here)it looks like aaron my buddy form last summer hwo now resides in L.A. is going to come visit me out there, and Jen, one of grads here is going to come visit on her way out to another summer job, and oh yeah... the boy is coming to visit!!! maybe for a weekend in vegas, maybe in cedar city, who knows. but it will be awesome.
ummm. that is my life in a nutshell of late. off i go to watch the olympics and finish studying history of decor. yeee-haw.
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