This wallpaper should probably be simmed,
right here. Though personally, I never want to see Homecrafter ever again.
Also the acoustic version of this song is much better, but I can only find it on youtube, what the hell.
Anyway, I'm making myself a to-do list. It's not very ambitious.
Stuff that may get done:
- FO3 'hood deco (more, especially radio towers, etc)
- FO3 Book & Neighbourhood terrain replacements
- FO3 furniture (mostly vault/enclave)
- FO3 Bobbleheads (repository)
Stuff that probably won't get done:
- Shannigan's A/TF hoodies made untuckable (+ recolours)
Stuff that is done:
- BB Basic Kitchen Recolours (Neon/Retro)
I really am tempted to take a trip up to Bristol to see the
Banksy exhibition, but my best friend is in America and I have no-one to go with. Hmph.