I wish I could re-boot yesterday. I slept poorly, was in pain, and got progressively more grumpy as the day went by. I spent a good part of the afternoon reading the newest Dresden Files book, curled up in my big favorite arm chair while four little kids laughed and played and giggled and romped around the living room. Their presence was actually good for me. They made me laugh occasionaly and kept me from snapping at
shoes_the_dog, who had been asking me every ten minutes to play with him. It poured until about 3:00, too late by then to go to the Prarie Days thing, so we didn't get to do much and I didn't get into the garden. I called all of the friends that
shoes_the_dog doesn't get to see often, but couldn't reach anyone.
journey2master called me, and I got all crabby at him and cut the phone call short.
shoes_the_dog wanted to make dinner from his new Dr. Suess recipe book, so he checked what we had and wrote down what we needed and we went to the Safeway just up the street. Only Safeway is dumb, and doesn't carry shredded unsweetened coconut! So a very sad and dissapointed
shoes_the_dog didn't get to make Jed's Bed of Shrimp. He managed not to cry, but he was pretty upset. I made him ceviche instead, and we both went to bed early after dinner.
This morning I hurt less, slept better, and the sun is shining. I think I'll have breakfast outside, then we'll go roller-skating. Maybe I'll let him skate and I'll read a book, so I don't wear myself out too much; that way I can still do some gardening when I get home this afternoon.