Apr 09, 2004 00:46
ooo my my. one little entry about my MOTHERS lung cancer and i how i take it very seriously and not as a joke, which by all means, is completely understandable, sparks up interest in the ugly category? i wont ever understand why if i drive someone "crazy" they would continue to read my live journal? i mean, it seems completely 100% reasonable to me and just about every other person that if you dont like someone, (now hold on, this is QUITE a concept), why read my opinions?....alright caught up? good. im sure that took awhile for those threatening commentors to grasp. and as for me not being pretty. i have never ONCE said that im hot. or pretty. or attractive. in fact, i beleive im the exact opposite. all i know is definetly dont look like mongoloid beast. so i asked eric.
g0LdFinGeRcHiK: am i ugly?
My Shiit Is Wack: laura
My Shiit Is Wack: you're the most adorable thing in my life
hey, if me not being pretty according to the "annonymous commentor" makes a really hot guy love me, then rock on.