Warning & Disclaimer

Nov 04, 2037 20:40

DISCLAIMER: The works herein are entirely fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to all her original work-which is tagged accordingly. Unauthorized duplication or use of the characters is prohibited.

As an avid reader and fanfiction writer of LGBT+ fiction and BL this lj contains mature content. If this is something you don't enjoy-in all of its forms or medias-and are underage(in your city/state)-then you have stumbled into the wrong place, but I appreciate your visit. All friendly and positive comments are welcome, but if there is something that you disagree with, please be respectful of others and myself and do not use any hateful words or partake in unbecoming behavior. For all Fandom fics, the characters belong to their respective owners/creators. The same also applies to all vids and pics or any/all medias, unless otherwise specified. I do this for entertainment purposes only.

To find your way around here's my Master List: http://goldfinch3.livejournal.com/40970.html

WELCOME. Please take the tour and I hope you have fun. :D

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

warning, greeting, disclaimer

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