Rock music helps me calligraphy.

Feb 07, 2006 08:56

Well, I thought it was about that fucking time. So Ah present...

Teh dorm itself = Reilly. And thought you can't see it in the pic, to the side and behind it, there's an ass-load of construction going on.

This is what I see EVERY DAY when I go to class. It's so beautiful up here! I love it! It's like paradise compared to Texas.

Teh desk. My Petra-compeh! Who has gotten a makeover. She's sexy.

The shelf above my desk. ^_^ You can see my Bishoujo-clock on the top there, my D&D books, my Kuroneko CD case and my Hello Kitteh ornaments!

Closet! ... I don't have many clothes.

Aaany finally my prison-esque cot. I mean bed. No I don't. XD

So there you go. That's where I'm living. ^_^ I so need things to put on the walls... >.> One of my RA's apparently got fired last night. But I think if you take a picture of something you aren't allowed to be doing and post it on the internet for God and everybody to see, you deserve to be fired. If only for sheer stupidity. ... Anyhow. Now I'm off to my very boring first period class. ^_^;; Byye!


"Think of it this way: It's like a picnic, only there's no food, and we're all gonna die." ~ Penny Arcade.
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