Jan 28, 2008 07:50
The first official meeting of the Aberdeen Cro-tini club (crochet and martinis!) was held on Saturday night at our house. It was, albeit, a small turn out, but it was so much fun. We're hoping our next meeting, on or about February 16th has a bigger turn out. Still, it was nice to sit back for a couple of hours with the ladies over a couple of cosmos and bags and bags of yarn.
Karen and Sabra showed up right on time at 7. Karen and I are experienced crafters, and Sabra wants to learn, so we threw her in. On her way to the house, she stopped at the Wally-world and picked up a couple of skeins of red heart (in some fantastically brilliant colors!!), some crochet hooks and some knitting needles. We threw her in on learning to crochet with a book entitled "Learn to Crochet the Mile a Minute Way." Actually, Karen tried to teach her first, but it wasn't pretty. Karen brought a sweater she had knitted to piece together, and I worked on my afghan for J and Baby H. Before we knew it, about three and a half hours had passed. It was a great way to spend the evening. We talked about everything, from goings on in politics, to the train, to different stitches, techniques, and everything in between. It was agreed on that none of us are very happy with the democratic choices for president, better parking is required at the train station, bamboo knitting needles are the way to go, and we're all set to do it again in a few weeks.
Mr. G and I have discussed over and over again about ways to get more involved in the social scene in our little town. We've talked about joining the moose, make repeated trips to the library, contemplated the local masonic chapter and the VFW (I can join through my dad) but we've never really followed through with anything. The ladies on the train have attempted a book club, a women's circle, and now the stitch-n-bitch has finally come into fruition. I do hope we can get the membership up a bit, but even if we don't it is nice to socialize once in a while with local friends.
It appears our social calendar is pretty full up for the next few weekends anyway. This Sunday is the superbowl (we're hosting this year), the following Saturday is a TE party at my sisters, and the 16th is the next meeting of the Cro-tinis. Yay!
aberdeen crotini club,