Aug 31, 2008 23:14
pinstripetanuki (3:23:45 AM):agsdnbaofewjkdbjweokjs I cam evoke a ryo (3:23:45 AM):*snort* pinstripetanuki (3:23:50 AM):*can't pinstripetanuki (3:23:51 AM):fuck evoke a ryo (3:23:55 AM):YOU CAN'T FUCK? evoke a ryo (3:23:57 AM):GRAMPS WHAT DID YOU DO pinstripetanuki (3:24:04 AM):I can't fucking make myself read it again pinstripetanuki (3:24:20 AM):It was just too much LOL and "omg how sad" to handle in one sitting. evoke a ryo (3:24:25 AM):XD pinstripetanuki (3:24:26 AM):I CAN TOO, GINO evoke a ryo (3:24:28 AM):OH? Rafflesia Sky (3:24:30 AM):... pinstripetanuki (3:24:33 AM):WATCH ME. *UNZIPS FLY* Rafflesia Sky (3:24:37 AM):Food, Axel, God-moding, Axel, Mushrooms, Jesus. evoke a ryo (3:24:38 AM):.....O________________O evoke a ryo (3:24:40 AM):DUDE! Rafflesia Sky (3:24:40 AM):I LOL. Halys731 (3:24:40 AM):FFFFFFFFFFFFF evoke a ryo (3:24:52 AM):/intimidated pinstripetanuki (3:25:09 AM):It's 3:30 here. I have no better explanation for my behavior. evoke a ryo (3:25:12 AM):... evoke a ryo (3:25:15 AM):I can live with that. evoke a ryo (3:25:16 AM):/licku
You know, maybe I should be playing crazycyborg!Orange instead, because as much as I love his refinedloyalservantcyborg!Orange self, the more and more I do cracky OOC the more and more I like playing him. MAKE USE OF PLOT DEVICE TO HAVE HIM SWITCH BETWEEN THE TWO PERSONALITIES, Y/N?
chatlog wtfery,